- Date & Time: Wednesday, October 2, 2024; 1:00 PM
Speaker: Zhaojian Li, Mivchigan State University
MERL Host: Yebin Wang
Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Control, Robotics
Harvesting labor is the single largest cost in apple production in the U.S. Surging cost and growing shortage of labor has forced the apple industry to seek automated harvesting solutions. Despite considerable progress in recent years, the existing robotic harvesting systems still fall short of performance expectations, lacking robustness and proving inefficient or overly complex for practical commercial deployment. In this talk, I will present the development and evaluation of a new dual-arm robotic apple harvesting system. This work is a result of a continuous collaboration between Michigan State University and U.S. Department of Agriculture.
- Date: July 10, 2024 - July 12, 2024
Where: Toronto, Canada
MERL Contacts: Ankush Chakrabarty; Vedang M. Deshpande; Stefano Di Cairano; Christopher R. Laughman; Arvind Raghunathan; Abraham P. Vinod; Yebin Wang; Avishai Weiss
Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Control, Dynamical Systems, Machine Learning, Multi-Physical Modeling, Optimization, Robotics
Brief - MERL researchers presented 9 papers at the recently concluded American Control Conference (ACC) 2024 in Toronto, Canada. The papers covered a wide range of topics including data-driven spatial monitoring using heterogenous robots, aircraft approach management near airports, computation fluid dynamics-based motion planning for drones facing winds, trajectory planning for coordinated monitoring using a team of drones and a ground carrier vehicle, ensemble Kalman smoothing-based model predictive control for motion planning for autonomous vehicles, system identification for Lithium-ion batteries, physics-constrained deep Kalman filters for vapor compression systems, switched reference governors for constrained systems, and distributed road-map monitoring using onboard sensors.
As a sponsor of the conference, MERL maintained a booth for open discussions with researchers and students, and hosted a special session to discuss highlights of MERL research and work philosophy.
In addition, Abraham Vinod served as a panelist at the Student Networking Event at the conference. The student networking event provides an opportunity for all interested students to network with professionals working in industry, academia, and national laboratories during a structured event, and encourages their continued participation as the future leaders in the field.
- Date & Time: Wednesday, April 10, 2024; 12:00 PM
Speaker: Na Li, Harvard University
MERL Host: Yebin Wang
Research Areas: Control, Dynamical Systems, Machine Learning
The explosive growth of machine learning and data-driven methodologies have revolutionized numerous fields. Yet, translating these successes to the domain of dynamical, physical systems remains a significant challenge, hindered by the complex and often unpredictable nature of such environments. Closing the loop from data to actions in these systems faces many difficulties, stemming from the need for sample efficiency and computational feasibility amidst intricate dynamics, along with many other requirements such as verifiability, robustness, and safety. In this talk, we bridge this gap by introducing innovative approaches that harness representation-based methods, domain knowledge, and the physical structures of systems. We present a comprehensive framework that integrates these components to develop reinforcement learning and control strategies that are not only tailored for the complexities of physical systems but also achieve efficiency, safety, and robustness with provable performance.
- Date & Time: Tuesday, October 10, 2023; 1:00 PM
Speaker: Shaoshuai Mou, Purdue University
MERL Host: Yebin Wang
Research Areas: Control, Dynamical Systems, Robotics
Inverse Optimal Control (IOC) aims to achieve an objective function corresponding to a certain task from an expert robot driven by optimal control, which has become a powerful tool in many applications in robotics. We will present our recent solutions to IOC based on incomplete observations of systems' trajectories, which enables an autonomous system to “sense-and-adapt", i.e., incrementally improving the learning of objective functions as new data arrives. This also leads to a distributed algorithm to solve IOC in multi-agent systems, in which each agent can only access part of the overall trajectory of an optimal control system and cannot solve IOC by itself. This is perhaps the first distributed method to IOC. Applications of IOC into human prediction will also be given.
- Date: May 31, 2023 - June 2, 2023
Where: San Diego, CA
MERL Contacts: Ankush Chakrabarty; Vedang M. Deshpande; Stefano Di Cairano; Devesh K. Jha; Christopher R. Laughman; Arvind Raghunathan; Diego Romeres; Abraham P. Vinod; Yebin Wang; Avishai Weiss
Research Areas: Control, Machine Learning, Optimization
Brief - MERL will present 10 papers at the American Control Conference (ACC) in San Diego, CA, with topics including autonomous-vehicle decision making and control, physics-informed machine learning, motion planning, control subject to nonconvex chance constraints, and optimal power management. Two talks are part of tutorial sessions.
MERL will also be present at the conference as a sponsor, with a booth for discussing with researchers and students, and hosting a special session at lunch with highlights of MERL research and work philosophy.
- Date: December 9, 2022 - December 11, 2022
MERL Contact: Yebin Wang
Research Areas: Communications, Control, Optimization
Brief - Future factory, in the era of industry 4.0, is characterized by autonomy, digital twin, and mass customization. This talk, titled "Future factory automation and cyber-physical system: an industrial perspective," focuses on tackling the challenges arising from mass customization, for example reconfigurable machine controller and material flow.
- Date: December 6, 2022 - December 9, 2022
Where: Cancún, Mexico
MERL Contacts: Ankush Chakrabarty; Devesh K. Jha; Arvind Raghunathan; Diego Romeres; Yebin Wang
Research Areas: Control, Optimization
Brief - MERL researchers presented six papers at the Conference on Decision and Control that was held in Cancún, Mexico from December 6-9, 2022. The papers covered a broad range of topics in the areas of decision making and control, including Bayesian optimization, quadratic programming, solution of differential equations, distributed Kalman filtering, thermal monitoring of batteries, and closed-loop control optimization.
- Date & Time: Thursday, October 13, 2022; 1:30pm-2:30pm
Speaker: Prof. Shaoshuai Mou, Purdue University
MERL Host: Yebin Wang
Research Areas: Control, Machine Learning, Optimization
Abstract - Modern society has been relying more and more on engineering advance of autonomous systems, ranging from individual systems (such as a robotic arm for manufacturing, a self-driving car, or an autonomous vehicle for planetary exploration) to cooperative systems (such as a human-robot team, swarms of drones, etc). In this talk we will present our most recent progress in developing a fundamental framework for learning and control in autonomous systems. The framework comes from a differentiation of Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle and is able to provide a unified solution to three classes of learning/control tasks, i.e. adaptive autonomy, inverse optimization, and system identification. We will also present applications of this framework into human-autonomy teaming, especially in enabling an autonomous system to take guidance from human operators, which is usually sparse and vague.
- Date: September 15, 2022
MERL Contact: Yebin Wang
Research Areas: Control, Dynamical Systems, Robotics
Brief - Yebin Wang, a Senior Principal Research Scientist in MERL's Electric Machines and Devices, is serving as an Associate Editor for the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2023.
As the flagship conference of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, ICRA will bring together the world's top researchers and most important companies to share ideas and advances in our field.
- Date: May 23, 2022 - May 27, 2022
Where: International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
MERL Contacts: Ankush Chakrabarty; Stefano Di Cairano; Siddarth Jain; Devesh K. Jha; Pedro Miraldo; Daniel N. Nikovski; Arvind Raghunathan; Diego Romeres; Abraham P. Vinod; Yebin Wang
Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotics
Brief - MERL researchers presented 5 papers at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) that was held in Philadelphia from May 23-27, 2022. The papers covered a broad range of topics from manipulation, tactile sensing, planning and multi-agent control. The invited talk was presented in the "Workshop on Collaborative Robots and Work of the Future" which covered some of the work done by MERL researchers on collaborative robotic assembly. The workshop was co-organized by MERL, Mitsubishi Electric Automation's North America Development Center (NADC), and MIT.
- Date: July 1, 2020 - July 3, 2020
Where: Denver, Colorado (virtual)
MERL Contacts: Ankush Chakrabarty; Stefano Di Cairano; Yebin Wang; Avishai Weiss
Research Areas: Control, Machine Learning, Optimization
Brief - At the American Control Conference, MERL presented 10 papers on subjects including autonomous-vehicle decision making and motion planning, nonlinear estimation for thermal-fluid models and GNSS positioning, learning-based reference governors and reference governors for railway vehicles, and fail-safe rendezvous control.
- Date: July 10, 2019 - July 12, 2019
Where: Philadelphia
MERL Contacts: Ankush Chakrabarty; Stefano Di Cairano; Devesh K. Jha; Yebin Wang; Avishai Weiss
Research Areas: Control, Machine Learning, Optimization
Brief - At the American Control Conference, MERL presented 8 papers on subjects including model predictive control applications, estimation and motion planning for vehicles, modular control architectures, and adaptation and learning.
- Date: June 26, 2018 - June 29, 2018
Where: ACC2018 Milwakee
MERL Contacts: Ankush Chakrabarty; Stefano Di Cairano; Yebin Wang; Avishai Weiss
Research Area: Control
Brief - At the American Control Conference June 26-29, http://acc2018.a2c2.org/, MERL members will give 10 papers on subjects including model predictive control, embedded optimization, urban path planning, motor control, estimation, and calibration.
- Date: May 24, 2017 - May 26, 2017
MERL Contacts: Stefano Di Cairano; Abraham Goldsmith; Daniel N. Nikovski; Arvind Raghunathan; Yebin Wang
Research Areas: Control, Dynamical Systems, Machine Learning
Brief - Talks were presented by members of several groups at MERL and covered a wide range of topics:
- Similarity-Based Vehicle-Motion Prediction
- Transfer Operator Based Approach for Optimal Stabilization of Stochastic Systems
- Extended command governors for constraint enforcement in dual stage processing machines
- Cooperative Optimal Output Regulation of Multi-Agent Systems Using Adaptive Dynamic Programming
- Deep Reinforcement Learning for Partial Differential Equation Control
- Indirect Adaptive MPC for Output Tracking of Uncertain Linear Polytopic Systems
- Constraint Satisfaction for Switched Linear Systems with Restricted Dwell-Time
- Path Planning and Integrated Collision Avoidance for Autonomous Vehicles
- Least Squares Dynamics in Newton-Krylov Model Predictive Control
- A Neuro-Adaptive Architecture for Extremum Seeking Control Using Hybrid Learning Dynamics
- Robust POD Model Stabilization for the 3D Boussinesq Equations Based on Lyapunov Theory and Extremum Seeking.
- Date: July 6, 2016 - July 8, 2016
Where: American Control Conference (ACC)
MERL Contacts: Scott A. Bortoff; Petros T. Boufounos; Stefano Di Cairano; Abraham Goldsmith; Christopher R. Laughman; Daniel N. Nikovski; Arvind Raghunathan; Yebin Wang; Avishai Weiss
Research Areas: Control, Dynamical Systems, Machine Learning
Brief - The premier American Control Conference (ACC) takes place in Boston July 6-8. This year MERL researchers will present a record 20 papers(!) at ACC, with several contributions, especially in autonomous vehicle path planning and in Model Predictive Control (MPC) theory and applications, including manufacturing machines, electric motors, satellite station keeping, and HVAC. Other important themes developed in MERL's presentations concern adaptation, learning, and optimization in control systems.
- Date: July 3, 2015
MERL Contacts: Daniel N. Nikovski; Yebin Wang; Stefano Di Cairano; Arvind Raghunathan; Avishai Weiss Brief - MERL researchers presented 10 papers at the American Controls Conference, in Chicago, USA. The ACC is one of the most important conferences on control systems in the world. Topics ranged from theoretical, including new algorithms for Model Predictive Control and Co-Design, to applications including spacecraft control and HVAC systems.
- Date: June 17, 2013
Where: American Control Conference (ACC)
MERL Contacts: Scott A. Bortoff; Stefano Di Cairano; Yebin Wang; Arvind Raghunathan Brief - The papers "Sub-optimal Control Design of a Semi-active Vibration Reduction System" by Wang, Y. and Utsunomiya, K., "Adaptive Estimation of State of Charge for Lithium-ion Batteries" by Fang, H., Wang, Y., Sahinoglu, Z., Wanda, T. and Hara, S., "Vehicle Yaw Dynamics Control by Torque-based Assist Systems Enforcing Driver's Steering Feel Constraints" by Zafeiropoulos, S. and Di Cairano, S., "Speed Profile Optimization for Optimal Path Tracking" by Zhao, Y. and Tsiotras, P., "Real-Time Energy-Optimal Trajeactory Generatin for a Servo Motor" by Zhao, Y., Wang, Y., Bortoff, S.A. and Ueda, K., "Global Optimization of Multi-period Optimal Power Flow" by Gopalakrishnan, A., Raghunathan, A.U., Nikovski, D., Biegler, L.T. and "Semismooth Equation Approach to Network Utility Maximization (NUM)" by Bai, L. and Raghunathan, A.U. were presented at the American Control Conference (ACC).
- Date: December 10, 2012
Where: IEEE Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)
MERL Contacts: Stefano Di Cairano; Scott A. Bortoff; Yebin Wang Brief - The papers "A Numerical Algorithm for Nonlinear L2-gain Optimal Control with Application to Vehicle Yaw Stability Control" by Milic, V., Di Cairano, S., Kasac, J., Bemporad, A. and Situm, Z., "The Rendezvous Dynamics under Linear Quadratic Optimal Control" by Di Cairano, S., Pascucci, C.A. and Bemporad, A. and "On the Optimal Trajectory Generation for Servomotors: A Hamiltonian Approach" by Wang, Y., Ueda , K. and Bortoff, S.A. were presented at the IEEE Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC).
- Date: July 22, 2011
Where: Chinese Control Conference (CCC)
MERL Contacts: Yebin Wang; Scott A. Bortoff
Research Area: Control
Brief - The paper "Nonlinear Control Design for a Semi-active Vibration Reduction System" by Wang, Y., Utsunomiya, K. and Bortoff, S.A. was presented at the Chinese Control Conference (CCC).
- Date: November 1, 2010
Where: Automatica
MERL Contact: Yebin Wang Brief - The article "Observer Forms for Perspective Systems" by Dahl, O., Wang, Y., Lynch, A. F. and Heyden, A. was published in Automatica.
- Date: July 15, 2010
Where: IASTED International Conference on Control and Applications
MERL Contacts: Yebin Wang; Scott A. Bortoff
Research Area: Control
Brief - The paper "On the Output Transformation to an Observer Form" by Wang, Y., Lynch, A.F. and Bortoff, S.A. was presented at the IASTED International Conference on Control and Applications.
- Date: April 1, 2010
Where: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
MERL Contact: Yebin Wang
Research Area: Control
Brief - The article "Multiple Time Scaling of a Multi-Output Observer Form" by Wang, Y. was published in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.