
100 / 3,704 publications found.

  •  Dicle, C., Mansour, H., Tian, D., Benosman, M., Vetro, A., "Robust Low Rank Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Compressed Domain Crowd and Traffic Flow Analysis", IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), DOI: 10.1109/​ICME.2016.7552877, July 2016.
    BibTeX TR2016-087 PDF
    • @inproceedings{Dicle2016jul,
    • author = {Dicle, Caglayan and Mansour, Hassan and Tian, Dong and Benosman, Mouhacine and Vetro, Anthony},
    • title = {Robust Low Rank Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Compressed Domain Crowd and Traffic Flow Analysis},
    • booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)},
    • year = 2016,
    • month = jul,
    • doi = {10.1109/ICME.2016.7552877},
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Kamilov, U., Liu, D., Mansour, H., Boufounos, P.T., "A Recursive Born Approach to Nonlinear Inverse Scattering", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, DOI: 10.1109/​LSP.2016.2579647, Vol. 23, No. 8, pp. 1052-1056, August 2016.
    BibTeX TR2016-057 PDF
    • @article{Kamilov2016jun,
    • author = {Kamilov, Ulugbek and Liu, Dehong and Mansour, Hassan and Boufounos, Petros T.},
    • title = {A Recursive Born Approach to Nonlinear Inverse Scattering},
    • journal = {IEEE Signal Processing Letters},
    • year = 2016,
    • volume = 23,
    • number = 8,
    • pages = {1052--1056},
    • month = jun,
    • doi = {10.1109/LSP.2016.2579647},
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Mansour, H., Tian, D., Vetro, A., Factorized Robust Matrix Completion, June 2016.
    BibTeX TR2016-066 PDF
    • @book{Mansour2016jun,
    • author = {Mansour, Hassan and Tian, Dong and Vetro, Anthony},
    • title = {Factorized Robust Matrix Completion},
    • year = 2016,
    • month = jun,
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Tian, D., Mansour, H., Cohen, R.A., Vetro, A., "Graph Signal Processing for Scene Representation and Analysis", Graph Signal Processing Workshop (GSP), May 2016.
    BibTeX TR2016-064 PDF
    • @inproceedings{Tian2016may,
    • author = {Tian, Dong and Mansour, Hassan and Cohen, Robert A. and Vetro, Anthony},
    • title = {Graph Signal Processing for Scene Representation and Analysis},
    • booktitle = {Graph Signal Processing Workshop (GSP)},
    • year = 2016,
    • month = may,
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Kamilov, U., Mansour, H., "Learning Optimal Nonlinearities for Iterative Thresholding Algorithms", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, DOI: 10.1109/​LSP.2016.2548245, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 747-751, March 2016.
    BibTeX TR2016-039 PDF
    • @article{Kamilov2016mar2,
    • author = {Kamilov, Ulugbek and Mansour, Hassan},
    • title = {Learning Optimal Nonlinearities for Iterative Thresholding Algorithms},
    • journal = {IEEE Signal Processing Letters},
    • year = 2016,
    • volume = 23,
    • number = 5,
    • pages = {747--751},
    • month = mar,
    • doi = {10.1109/LSP.2016.2548245},
    • issn = {1070-9908},
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Mansour, H., Saab, R., "Recovery Analysis for Weighted '1 Minimization Using the Null Space Property", Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, DOI: 10.1016/​j.acha.2015.10.005, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 23-28, March 2016.
    BibTeX TR2016-024 PDF
    • @article{Mansour2016mar2,
    • author = {Mansour, Hassan and Saab, Rayan},
    • title = {Recovery Analysis for Weighted '1 Minimization Using the Null Space Property},
    • journal = {Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis},
    • year = 2016,
    • volume = 43,
    • number = 1,
    • pages = {23--28},
    • month = mar,
    • doi = {10.1016/j.acha.2015.10.005},
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Kao, J.-Y., Tian, D., Mansour, H., Ortega, A., Vetro, A., "Geometric-Guided Label Propagation for Moving Object Detection", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), DOI: 10.1109/​ICASSP.2016.747933, March 2016, pp. 1531-1535.
    BibTeX TR2016-005 PDF
    • @inproceedings{Kao2016mar,
    • author = {Kao, Jiun-Yu and Tian, Dong and Mansour, Hassan and Ortega, Antonio and Vetro, Anthony},
    • title = {Geometric-Guided Label Propagation for Moving Object Detection},
    • booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)},
    • year = 2016,
    • pages = {1531--1535},
    • month = mar,
    • doi = {10.1109/ICASSP.2016.747933},
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Mansour, H., Kamilov, U., "Multipath Removal by Online Blind Deconvolution in Through-the-Wall-Imaging", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), DOI: 10.1109/​ICASSP.2016.7472249, March 2016, pp. 3106-3110.
    BibTeX TR2016-006 PDF
    • @inproceedings{Mansour2016mar1,
    • author = {Mansour, Hassan and Kamilov, Ulugbek},
    • title = {Multipath Removal by Online Blind Deconvolution in Through-the-Wall-Imaging},
    • booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)},
    • year = 2016,
    • pages = {3106--3110},
    • month = mar,
    • doi = {10.1109/ICASSP.2016.7472249},
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Gadde, A., Knyazev, A., Tian, D., Mansour, H., "Guided Signal Reconstruction with Application to Image Magnification", IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), DOI: 10.1109/​GlobalSIP.2015.7418335, December 2015, pp. 938-942.
    BibTeX TR2015-141 PDF
    • @inproceedings{Gadde2015dec,
    • author = {Gadde, A. and Knyazev, A. and Tian, D. and Mansour, H.},
    • title = {Guided Signal Reconstruction with Application to Image Magnification},
    • booktitle = {IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP)},
    • year = 2015,
    • pages = {938--942},
    • month = dec,
    • doi = {10.1109/GlobalSIP.2015.7418335},
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Handa, H., Mansour, H., Liu, D., Kamilov, U., "Extended Target Localization with Total-Variation Denoising in Through-the-Wall-Imaging", IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP), DOI: 10.1109/​CAMSAP.2015.7383832, December 2015, pp. 445-448.
    BibTeX TR2015-139 PDF
    • @inproceedings{Handa2015dec,
    • author = {Handa, H. and Mansour, H. and Liu, D. and Kamilov, U.},
    • title = {Extended Target Localization with Total-Variation Denoising in Through-the-Wall-Imaging},
    • booktitle = {IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP)},
    • year = 2015,
    • pages = {445--448},
    • month = dec,
    • publisher = {IEEE},
    • doi = {10.1109/CAMSAP.2015.7383832},
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Tian, D., Kao, J.-Y., Mansour, H., Vetro, A., "Graph Spectral Motion Segmentation Based on Motion Vanishing Point Analysis", IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), DOI: 10.1109/​MMSP.2015.7340869, October 2015, pp. 1-6.
    BibTeX TR2015-122 PDF
    • @inproceedings{Tian2015oct,
    • author = {Tian, D. and Kao, J.-Y. and Mansour, H. and Vetro, A.},
    • title = {Graph Spectral Motion Segmentation Based on Motion Vanishing Point Analysis},
    • booktitle = {IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP)},
    • year = 2015,
    • pages = {1--6},
    • month = oct,
    • publisher = {IEEE},
    • doi = {10.1109/MMSP.2015.7340869},
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Tian, D., Mansour, H., Vetro, A., "Depth-Weighted Group-Wise Principal Component Analysis for Video Foreground/Background Separation", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), DOI: 10.1109/​ICIP.2015.7351400, September 2015, pp. 3230-3234.
    BibTeX TR2015-111 PDF
    • @inproceedings{Tian2015sep,
    • author = {Tian, D. and Mansour, H. and Vetro, A.},
    • title = {Depth-Weighted Group-Wise Principal Component Analysis for Video Foreground/Background Separation},
    • booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)},
    • year = 2015,
    • pages = {3230--3234},
    • month = sep,
    • publisher = {IEEE},
    • doi = {10.1109/ICIP.2015.7351400},
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Jia, N., Sanchez, V., Li, C.-T., Mansour, H., "On Reducing the Effect of Silhouette Quality on Individual Gait Recogniton: A Feature Fusion Approach", International Conference on the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG), DOI: 10.1109/​BIOSIG.2015.7314613, September 2015, pp. 1-5.
    BibTeX TR2015-155 PDF
    • @inproceedings{Jia2015sep,
    • author = {Jia, Ning and Sanchez, Victor and Li, Chang-Tsun and Mansour, Hassan},
    • title = {On Reducing the Effect of Silhouette Quality on Individual Gait Recogniton: A Feature Fusion Approach},
    • booktitle = {International Conference on the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG)},
    • year = 2015,
    • pages = {1--5},
    • month = sep,
    • doi = {10.1109/BIOSIG.2015.7314613},
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Kumar, R., Da Silva, C., Akalin, O., Aravkin, A., Mansour, H., Recht, B., Herrmann, F., "Efficient Matrix Completion for Seismic Data Reconstruction", Geophysics, DOI: 10.1190/​geo2014-0369.1, Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 97-114, August 2015.
    BibTeX TR2015-053 PDF
    • @article{Kumar2015jul,
    • author = {Kumar, R. and {Da Silva}, C. and Akalin, O. and Aravkin, A. and Mansour, H. and Recht, B. and Herrmann, F.},
    • title = {Efficient Matrix Completion for Seismic Data Reconstruction},
    • journal = {Geophysics},
    • year = 2015,
    • volume = 20,
    • number = 5,
    • pages = {97--114},
    • month = aug,
    • publisher = {Society of Exploration Geophysicists},
    • doi = {10.1190/geo2014-0369.1},
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Boufounos, P.T., Mansour, H., "Universal Embeddings for Kernel Machine Classification", International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), DOI: 10.1109/​SAMPTA.2015.7148902, May 2015, pp. 307-311.
    BibTeX TR2015-070 PDF
    • @inproceedings{Boufounos2015may,
    • author = {Boufounos, P.T. and Mansour, H.},
    • title = {Universal Embeddings for Kernel Machine Classification},
    • booktitle = {International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA)},
    • year = 2015,
    • pages = {307--311},
    • month = may,
    • publisher = {IEEE},
    • doi = {10.1109/SAMPTA.2015.7148902},
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Mansour, H., Jiang, X., "A Robust Online Subspace Estimation and Tracking Algorithm", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), DOI: 10.1109/​ICASSP.2015.7178735, April 2015, pp. 4065-4069.
    BibTeX TR2015-027 PDF Software
    • @inproceedings{Mansour2015apr1,
    • author = {Mansour, H. and Jiang, X.},
    • title = {A Robust Online Subspace Estimation and Tracking Algorithm},
    • booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)},
    • year = 2015,
    • pages = {4065--4069},
    • month = apr,
    • publisher = {IEEE},
    • doi = {10.1109/ICASSP.2015.7178735},
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Mansour, H., Saab, R., "Weighted One-Norm Minimization with Inaccurate Support Estimates: Sharp Analysis via the Null-Space Property", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), DOI: 10.1109/​ICASSP.2015.7178585, April 2015, pp. 3317-3321.
    BibTeX TR2015-026 PDF
    • @inproceedings{Mansour2015apr2,
    • author = {Mansour, H. and Saab, R.},
    • title = {Weighted One-Norm Minimization with Inaccurate Support Estimates: Sharp Analysis via the Null-Space Property},
    • booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)},
    • year = 2015,
    • pages = {3317--3321},
    • month = apr,
    • publisher = {IEEE},
    • doi = {10.1109/ICASSP.2015.7178585},
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Boufounos, P.T., Mansour, H., "Kernel Machine Classification Using Universal Embeddings", Data Compression Conference (DCC), DOI: 10.1109/​DCC.2015.61, April 2015, pp. 440.
    BibTeX TR2015-044 PDF
    • @inproceedings{Boufounos2015apr,
    • author = {Boufounos, P.T. and Mansour, H.},
    • title = {Kernel Machine Classification Using Universal Embeddings},
    • booktitle = {Data Compression Conference (DCC)},
    • year = 2015,
    • pages = 440,
    • month = apr,
    • publisher = {IEEE},
    • doi = {10.1109/DCC.2015.61},
    • issn = {1068-0314},
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Mansour, H., Saab, R., "Recovery Analysis for Weighted l1-Minimization Using the Null Space Property", arXiv, December 2014.
    BibTeX arXiv
    • @article{Mansour2014dec,
    • author = {Mansour, H. and Saab, R.},
    • title = {Recovery Analysis for Weighted l1-Minimization Using the Null Space Property},
    • journal = {arXiv},
    • year = 2014,
    • month = dec,
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Mansour, H., Rane, S., Boufounos, P.T., Vetro, A., "Video Querying Via Compact Descriptors of Visually Salient Objects", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), DOI: 10.1109/​ICIP.2014.7025564, October 2014, pp. 2789-2793.
    BibTeX TR2014-101 PDF
    • @inproceedings{Mansour2014oct,
    • author = {Mansour, H. and Rane, S. and Boufounos, P.T. and Vetro, A.},
    • title = {Video Querying Via Compact Descriptors of Visually Salient Objects},
    • booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)},
    • year = 2014,
    • pages = {2789--2793},
    • month = oct,
    • doi = {10.1109/ICIP.2014.7025564},
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Tian, D., Mansour, H., Vetro, A., Wang, Y., Ortega, A., "Depth-assisted Stereo Video Enhancement Using Graph-based Approaches", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), DOI: 10.1109/​ICIP.2014.7025013, October 2014, pp. 71-75.
    BibTeX TR2014-091 PDF
    • @inproceedings{Tian2014oct,
    • author = {Tian, D. and Mansour, H. and Vetro, A. and Wang, Y. and Ortega, A.},
    • title = {Depth-assisted Stereo Video Enhancement Using Graph-based Approaches},
    • booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)},
    • year = 2014,
    • pages = {71--75},
    • month = oct,
    • doi = {10.1109/ICIP.2014.7025013},
    • isbn = {978-1-4799-5750-7},
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Tian, D., Knyazev, A., Mansour, H., Vetro, A., "Chebyshev and Conjugate Gradient Filters for Graph Image Denoising", IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo Workshops (ICMEW), DOI: 10.1109/​ICMEW.2014.6890711, July 2014, pp. 1-6.
    BibTeX TR2014-062 PDF
    • @inproceedings{Tian2014jul,
    • author = {Tian, D. and Knyazev, A. and Mansour, H. and Vetro, A.},
    • title = {Chebyshev and Conjugate Gradient Filters for Graph Image Denoising},
    • booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo Workshops (ICMEW)},
    • year = 2014,
    • pages = {1--6},
    • month = jul,
    • publisher = {IEEE},
    • doi = {10.1109/ICMEW.2014.6890711},
    • issn = {1945-7871},
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Boufounos, P.T., Liu, D., Mansour, H., Sahinoglu, S., "Sparse MIMO Architectures For Through-the-wall Imaging", IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM), DOI: 10.1109/​SAM.2014.6882455, June 2014, pp. 513-516.
    BibTeX TR2014-051 PDF
    • @inproceedings{Boufounos2014jun,
    • author = {Boufounos, P.T. and Liu, D. and Mansour, H. and Sahinoglu, S.},
    • title = {Sparse MIMO Architectures For Through-the-wall Imaging},
    • booktitle = {IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM)},
    • year = 2014,
    • pages = {513--516},
    • month = jun,
    • publisher = {IEEE},
    • doi = {10.1109/SAM.2014.6882455},
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Mansour, H., Vetro, A., "Video Background Subtraction Using Semi-supervised Robust Matrix Completion", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), DOI: 10.1109/​ICASSP.2014.6854862, May 2014, pp. 6528-6532.
    BibTeX TR2014-026 PDF
    • @inproceedings{Mansour2014may,
    • author = {Mansour, H. and Vetro, A.},
    • title = {Video Background Subtraction Using Semi-supervised Robust Matrix Completion},
    • booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)},
    • year = 2014,
    • pages = {6528--6532},
    • month = may,
    • publisher = {IEEE},
    • doi = {10.1109/ICASSP.2014.6854862},
    • url = {}
    • }
  •  Mansour, H., Liu, D., "Blind Multi-path Elimination by Sparse Inversion in Through-the-Wall-Imaging", IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP), DOI: 10.1109/​CAMSAP.2013.6714056, December 2013, pp. 256-259.
    BibTeX TR2013-120 PDF
    • @inproceedings{Mansour2013dec,
    • author = {Mansour, H. and Liu, D.},
    • title = {Blind Multi-path Elimination by Sparse Inversion in Through-the-Wall-Imaging},
    • booktitle = {IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP)},
    • year = 2013,
    • pages = {256--259},
    • month = dec,
    • doi = {10.1109/CAMSAP.2013.6714056},
    • isbn = {978-1-4673-3144-9},
    • url = {}
    • }