- Date: October 31, 2010
Where: IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM)
MERL Contacts: Jinyun Zhang; Petros T. Boufounos Brief - The papers "Level Crossing Rates and Average Outage Durations of SINR with Multiple Co-Channel Interferers" by Annavajjala, R. and Zhang, J. and "Compressive Sensing for Streaming Signals using the Streaming Greedy Pursuit" by Boufounos, P.T. and Asif, M.S. were presented at the IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM).
- Date: October 26, 2010
Where: Journal of Vision (J Vis)
Research Area: Computer Vision
Brief - The article "Inconsistency between Peri-saccadic Mislocalization and Compression: Evidence for Separate "What" and "Where" Visual Systems" by Luo, G., Garaas, T., Pomplun, M. and Peli, E. was published in Journal of Vision (J Vis).
- Date: October 25, 2010
Where: World Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services (ITS)
MERL Contacts: Jinyun Zhang; Philip V. Orlik; Jianlin Guo Brief - The papers "Location Aware Fast Handover Between WiMax and WiFi Networks" by Guo, J., Tsuboi, T. and Zhang, J., "Effect of Transmission Parameters on Efficiency and Reliability of V2V Networks" by Yim, R., Ye, F., Roy, S. and Orlik, P., "Safety Message Transmission in Vehicular Communication Networks" by Guo, J. and Zhang, J. and "Digital Lane Marking for Geo-Information Dissemination" by Yim, R., Saito, M. and Zhang, J. were presented at the World Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services (ITS).
- Date: October 24, 2010
Where: International Conference on High Performance Cutting (CIRP)
Research Area: Computer Vision
Brief - The paper "Prediction of Cutting Forces for 5-Axis Ball-End Milling of Free-Form Surfaces" by Boz, Y., Erdim, H. and Lazoglu, I. was presented at the International Conference on High Performance Cutting (CIRP).
- Date: October 18, 2010
Where: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
MERL Contact: Matthew Brand Brief - The paper "SKYLINE2GPS: Localization in Urban Canyons Using Omni-skylines" by Ramalingam, S., Bouaziz, S., Sturm, P. and Brand, M. was presented at the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS).
- Date: October 14, 2010
Where: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking
Research Area: Communications
Brief - The article "Distributed Opportunistic Scheduling with Two-Level Probing" by Thejaswi, P.S.C., Zhang, J., Pun, M.-O., Poor, H.V. and Zheng, D. was published in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.
- Date: October 4, 2010
Where: IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP)
MERL Contact: Anthony Vetro
Research Area: Digital Video
Brief - The paper "Toward Realtime Side Information Decoding on Multi-core Processors" by Momcilovic, S., Wang, Y., Rane, S. and Vetro, A. was presented at the IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP).
- Date: September 29, 2010
Where: Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing
Research Area: Information Security
Brief - The paper "On Unconditionally Secure Computation with Vanishing Communication Cost" by Wang, Y., Rane, S., Sun, W. and Ishwar, P. was presented at the Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing.
- Date: September 27, 2010
Where: IEEE Conference on Innovative Technologies for an Efficient and Reliable Electricity Supply (CITRES)
MERL Contact: Daniel N. Nikovski
Research Area: Optimization
Brief - The paper "Factored Markov Decision Process Models for Stochastic Unit Commitment" by Nikovski, D. and Zhang, W. was presented at the IEEE Conference on Innovative Technologies for an Efficient and Reliable Electricity Supply (CITRES).
- Date: September 26, 2010
Where: Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association
Research Area: Speech & Audio
Brief - The paper "Ungrounded Independent Non-Negative Factor Analysis" by Raj, B., Wilson, K.W., Krueger, A. and Haeb-Umbach, R. was presented at the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association.
- Date: September 26, 2010
Where: Interspeech
Research Area: Speech & Audio
Brief - The paper "Vocabulary Independent Spoken Query: a Case for Subword Units" by Gouvea, E. and Ezzat, T. was presented at Interspeech.
- Date: September 26, 2010
Where: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)
MERL Contacts: Petros T. Boufounos; Anthony Vetro; Huifang Sun Brief - The papers "Direction-Adaptive Transforms for Coding Prediction Residuals" by Cohen, R.A., Klomp, S., Vetro, A. and Sun, H., "Streaming Compressive Sensing for High-Speed Periodic Videos" by Asif, M.S., Reddy, D., Boufounos, P.T. and Veeraraghavan, A., "Frame Compatible Formats for 3D Video Distribution" by Vetro, A. and "Occlusion Handling Based on Support and Decision" by Min, D., Yea, S. and Vetro, A. were presented at the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP).
- Date: September 22, 2010
Where: Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
Research Area: Communications
Brief - The article "Fundamental Limits and Improved Algorithms for Linear Least-Squares Wireless Position Estimation" by Guvenc, I., Gezici, S. and Sahinoglu, Z. was published in Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing.
- Date: September 19, 2010
Where: International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC)
Research Area: Electric Systems
Brief - The paper "Off-Grid Portable EV Charging Network Management with Dynamic Energy Pricing" by Sahinoglu, Z., Tao, Z. and Teo, K.-H. was presented at the International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC).
- Date: September 16, 2010
Where: IEEE Transactions on Communications
Research Area: Communications
Brief - The article "Joint Carrier Frequency Offset and Channel Estimation for Uplink MIMO-OFDMA Schmidt Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filters" by Kim, K.J., Pun, M.-O. and Iltis, R.A. was published in IEEE Transactions on Communications.
- Date: September 7, 2010
Where: Speech in Mobile and Pervasive Environments (SiMPE)
Research Area: Speech & Audio
Brief - The paper "Object-Oriented Multimodality for Safer-In-Vehicle Interfaces" by Weinberg, G. and Harsham, B. was presented at Speech in Mobile and Pervasive Environments (SiMPE).
- Date: September 7, 2010
Where: International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI)
Research Area: Speech & Audio
Brief - The paper "Contextual Push-to-talk: Shortening Voice Dialogs to Improve Driving Performance" by Weinberg, G., Harsham, B., Forlines, C. and Medenica, Z. was presented at the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI).
- Date: September 6, 2010
Where: IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC)
Research Area: Electric Systems
Brief - The paper "Electric Vehicles Network with Nomadic Portable Charging Stations" by Li, Z., Sahinoglu, Z., Tao, Z. and Teo, K.H. was presented at the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC).
- Date: September 5, 2010
Where: European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)
MERL Contact: Tim K. Marks
Research Area: Computer Vision
Brief - The papers "Image Invariants for Smooth Reflective Surfaces" by Sankaranarayanan, A.C., Veeraraghavan, A., Tuzel, O. and Agrawal, A., "Analytical Forward Projection for Axial Non-Central Dioptric & Catadioptric Cameras" by Agrawal, A., Taguchi, Y. and Ramalingam, S., "P2Pi: A Minimal Solution for Registration of 3D Points to 3D Planes" by Ramalingam, S., Taguchi, Y., Marks, T.K. and Tuzel, O., "Fast Approximate Nearest Neighbor Methods for Non-Euclidean Manifolds with Applications to Human Activity Analysis in Videos" by Chaudhry, R. and Ivanov, Y. and "Flexible Voxels for Motion-Aware Videography" by Gupta, M., Agrawal, A., Veeraraghavan, A. and Narasimhan, S.G. were presented at the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV).
- Date: August 28, 2010
Where: IEEE International Conference on Wireless Information Technology and Systems (ICWITS)
MERL Contact: Bingnan Wang
Research Areas: Applied Physics, Electric Systems
Brief - The paper "Wireless Power Transmission Efficiency Enhancement with Metamaterials" by Wang, B., Nishino, T. and Teo, K.H. was presented at the IEEE International Conference on Wireless Information Technology and Systems (ICWITS).
- Date: August 23, 2010
Where: IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) Brief - The papers "Scene-Adaptive Human Detection with Incremental Active Learning" by Joshi, A.J. and Porikli, F. and "Human State Classification and Predication for Critical Care Monitoring by Real-Time Bio-signal Analysis" by Li, X. and Porikli, F. were presented at the IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR).
- Date: August 18, 2010
Where: Joint IAPR International Conference on Structural, Syntactic and Statistical Pattern Recognition (SSPR & SPR)
Research Area: Machine Learning
Brief - The paper "Learning on Manifolds" by Porikli, F. was presented at the Joint IAPR International Conference on Structural, Syntactic and Statistical Pattern Recognition (SSPR & SPR).
- Date: August 12, 2010
Where: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
Research Area: Communications
Brief - The article "The Relay Selection and Transmission Trade-off in Cooperative Communication Systems" by Shah, V., Mehta, N.B. and Yim, R. was published in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
- Date: July 24, 2010
Where: Black Hat Technical Security Conference
MERL Contact: William S. Yerazunis
Research Area: Data Analytics
Brief - The paper "Keeping the Good Stuff In: Confidential Information Firewalling with the CRM114 Spam Filter & Text Classifier" by Yerazunis, W.S., Kato, M., Kori, M., Shibata, H. and Hackenberg, K. was presented at the Black Hat Technical Security Conference.
- Date: July 19, 2010
Where: IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)
MERL Contact: Anthony Vetro
Research Area: Information Security
Brief - The paper "Privacy-Preserving Approximation of L1 Distance for Multimedia Applications" by Rane, S., Sun, W. and Vetro, A. was presented at the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME).