NEWS    Journal of Vision (J Vis): publication by Tyler W. Garaas and others

Date released: October 26, 2010

  •  NEWS    Journal of Vision (J Vis): publication by Tyler W. Garaas and others
  • Date:

    October 26, 2010

  • Where:

    Journal of Vision (J Vis)

  • Description:

    The article "Inconsistency between Peri-saccadic Mislocalization and Compression: Evidence for Separate "What" and "Where" Visual Systems" by Luo, G., Garaas, T., Pomplun, M. and Peli, E. was published in Journal of Vision (J Vis).

  • Research Area:

    Computer Vision

    •  Luo, G., Garaas, T., Pomplun, M., Peli, E., "Inconsistency between Peri-saccadic Mislocalization and Compression: Evidence for Separate 'What' and 'Where' Visual Systems", Journal of Vision, pp. 549-586, October 2010.
      BibTeX TR2010-105 PDF
      • @article{Luo2010oct,
      • author = {Luo, G. and Garaas, T. and Pomplun, M. and Peli, E.},
      • title = {{Inconsistency between Peri-saccadic Mislocalization and Compression: Evidence for Separate 'What' and 'Where' Visual Systems}},
      • journal = {Journal of Vision},
      • year = 2010,
      • pages = {549--586},
      • month = oct,
      • url = {}
      • }