News & Events

1,227 News items found.

  •  NEWS    ICUWB 2007: publication by Chunjie Duan, Philip V. Orlik, Zafer Sahinoglu and others
    Date: September 24, 2007
    Where: IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB)
    MERL Contact: Philip V. Orlik
    Research Area: Communications
    • The paper "A Non-Coherent 802.15.4a UWB Impulse Radio" by Duan, C., Orlik, P., Sahinoglu, Z. and Molisch, A.F. was presented at the IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB).
  •  NEWS    International Conference on Multimedia (ACM Multimedia) 2007: publication by Anthony Vetro, Sehoon Yea, Clifton Forlines and others
    Date: September 24, 2007
    Where: International Conference on Multimedia (ACM Multimedia)
    MERL Contact: Anthony Vetro
    Research Area: Digital Video
    • The paper "Display Pre-filtering for Multi-view Video Compression" by Zwicker, M., Yea, S., Vetro, A., Forlines, C., Matusik, W. and Pfister, H. was presented at the International Conference on Multimedia (ACM Multimedia).
  •  NEWS    International Symposium on Location- and Context-Awareness (LoCA) 2007: publication by MERL researchers and others
    Date: September 20, 2007
    Where: International Symposium on Location- and Context-Awareness (LoCA)
    Research Area: Computer Vision
    • The paper "SocialMotion: Measuring the Hidden Social Life of a Building" by Wren, C., Ivanov, Y., Kaur, I., Leigh, D. and Westhues, J. was presented at the International Symposium on Location- and Context-Awareness (LoCA).
  •  NEWS    ICIP 2007: 2 publications by Anthony Vetro, Sehoon Yea and others
    Date: September 16, 2007
    Where: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)
    MERL Contact: Anthony Vetro
    • The papers "Overview of Multiview Video Coding and Anti-Aliasing for 3D Displays" by Vetro, A., Yea, S., Zwicker, M., Matusik, W. and Pfister, H. and "RD-Optimized View Synthesis Prediction for Multiview Video Coding" by Yea, S. and Vetro, A. were presented at the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP).
  •  NEWS    AVSS 2007: 2 publications by MERL researchers and others
    Date: September 5, 2007
    Where: IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS)
    • The papers "Detection of Temporarily Static Regions by Processing Video at Different Frame Rates" by Porikli, F. and "Acoustic Doppler Sonar for Gait Recognition" by Kalgaonkar, K. and Raj, B. were presented at the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS).
  •  NEWS    PIMRC 2007: 2 publications by MERL researchers and others
    Date: September 3, 2007
    Where: IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC)
    • The papers "Implementing Backscatter Radio for Wireless Sensor Networks" by Vannucci, G., Bletsas, A. and Leigh, D. and "First Results from Car-to-Car and Car-to=Infrastructure Radio Channel Measurements at 5.2GHZ" by Paier, A., Karedal, J., Czink, A., Hofstetter, H., Dumard, C., Zemen, T., Tufvesson, F., Mecklenbrauker, C.F. and Molisch, A.F. were presented at the IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC).
  •  NEWS    IEEE Signal Processing Magazine: publication by Koon Hoo Teo, Zhifeng (Jeffrey) Tao and Jinyun Zhang
    Date: September 1, 2007
    Where: IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
    MERL Contact: Jinyun Zhang
    Research Area: Communications
    • The article "The Mobile Broadband WiMAX Standard" by Teo, K.H., Tao, Z. and Zhang, J. was published in IEEE Signal Processing Magazine.
  •  NEWS    Journal of Lightwave Technology: 2 publications by MERL researchers and others
    Date: September 1, 2007
    Where: Journal of Lightwave Technology
    • The articles "Low-Latency Decoding of EG LDPC Codes" by Zhang, J., Yedidia, J.S. and Fossorier, M.P.C. and "Low Latency Decoding of EG LDPC Codes" by Zhang, J., Yedidia, J.S. and Fossorier, M.P.C. were published in Journal of Lightwave Technology.
  •  NEWS    CHINACOM 2007: 2 publications by MERL researchers and others
    Date: August 22, 2007
    Where: International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (CHINACOM)
    • The papers "Tracking Time-Variant Cluster Parameters in MIMO Channel Measurements" by Czink, N., Tian, R., Wyne, S., Tufvesson, F., Nuutinen, J.-P., Ylitalo, J., Bonek, E. and Molisch, A.F. and "ChinaCom 2007 - Messages from the TPC Chairs" by Molisch, A.F., Latva-aho, M. and Wang, X. were presented at the International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (CHINACOM).
  •  NEWS    International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC Technologies for Wireless Communications 2007: publication by MERL researchers and others
    Date: August 16, 2007
    Where: International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC Technologies for Wireless Communications
    Research Area: Communications
    • The paper "Ultrawideband Propagation Channels and Their Impact on System Design" by Molisch, A. F. was presented at the International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC Technologies for Wireless Communications.
  •  NEWS    IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications: publication by MERL researchers and others
    Date: August 15, 2007
    Where: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
    Research Area: Communications
    • The article "A Measurement-Based Statistical Model for Industrial Ultra-Wideband Channels" by Karedal, J., Wyne, S., Aimers, P., Tufvesson, F. and Molisch, A.F. was published in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
  •  NEWS    IEEE Transactions on Communications: publication by MERL researchers and others
    Date: August 15, 2007
    Where: IEEE Transactions on Communications
    Research Area: Communications
    • The article "The Tradeoff Between Processing Gains of an Impulse Radio UWB System in the Presence of Timing Jitter" by Gezici, S., Molisch, A.F., Poor, H.V. and Kobayashi, H. was published in IEEE Transactions on Communications.
  •  NEWS    ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG): 2 publications by John Barnwell and others
    Date: August 5, 2007
    Where: ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)
    • The articles "Practical Motion Capture in Everyday Surroundings" by Vlasic, D., Adelsberger, R., Vannucci, G., Barnwell, J., Gross, M., Matusik, W. and Popovic, J. and "Multi-Aperture Photography" by Green, P., Sun, W., Matusik, W. and Durand, F. were published in ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG).
  •  NEWS    ACM SIGGRAPH 2007: 3 publications by MERL researchers and others
    Date: August 5, 2007
    • The papers "Modern Approaches to Augmented Reality" by Bimber, O. and Raskar, R., "Buzz: Measuring and Visualizing Conference Crowds" by Wren, C.R., Ivanov, Y.A., Leigh, D. and Westhues, J. and "Illumination Sensitive Dynamic Virtual Sets" by Nii, J., deDecker, B., Hashimoto, Y., Moore, D., Summet, J., Zhao, Y., Westhues, J., Dietz, P., Barnwell, J., Inami, M., Bekaert, P. and Raskar, R. were presented at ACM SIGGRAPH.
  •  NEWS    Journal of Computers: publication by MERL researchers and others
    Date: August 1, 2007
    Where: Journal of Computers
    Research Area: Machine Learning
    • The article "Integrated Detection, Tracking and Recognition for IR Video-based Vehicle Classification" by Mei, X., Zhou, S.K., Wu, H. and Porikli, F. was published in Journal of Computers.
  •  NEWS    IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing: publication by MERL researchers and others
    Date: August 1, 2007
    Where: IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing
    Research Area: Speech & Audio
    • The article "Soft Mask Methods for Single-Channel Speaker Separation" by Reddy, A.M. and Raj, B. was published in IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing.
  •  NEWS    IGARSS 2007: publication by MERL researchers and others
    Date: July 23, 2007
    Where: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)
    • The paper "Highly Accurate DSM Reconstruction Using Ku-band Airborne InSAR" by Okada, Y., Hirao, C., Horiuchi, T., Hara, Y., Yedidia, J.S., Azarbayejani, A. and Oishi, N. was presented at the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS).
  •  NEWS    ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG): 6 publications by Ashok Veeraraghavan, Jay Thornton, Amit Agrawal, John Barnwell and others
    Date: July 15, 2007
    Where: ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)
    • The articles "Prakash: Lighting Aware Motion Capture using Photosensing Markers and Multiplexed Illuminators" by Raskar, R., Nii, H., deDecker, B., Hashimoto, Y., Summet, J., Moore, D., Zhao, Y., Westhues, J., Dietz, P., Barnwell, J., Nayar, S., Inami, M., Bekaert, P., Noland, M., Branzoi, V. and Bruns, E., "Dappled Photography: Mask Enhanced Cameras for Heterodyned Light Fields and Coded Aperture Refocusing" by Veeraraghavan, A., Raskar, R., Agrawal, A., Mohan, A. and Tumblin, J., "Seam Carving for Content-Aware Image Resizing" by Avidan, S. and Shamir, A., "Factored Time-Lapse Video" by Sunkavalli, K., Matusik, W., Pfister, H. and Rusinkiewicz, S., "Post-production Facial Performance Relighting using Reflectance Transfer" by Peers, P., Tamura, N., Matusik, W. and Debevec, P. and "Multi-scale Capture of Facial Geometry and Motion" by Bickel, B., Botsch, M., Angst, R., Matusik, W., Otaduy, M., Pfister, H. and Gross, M. were published in ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG).
  •  NEWS    IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications: 2 publications by Philip V. Orlik, Jinyun Zhang and others
    Date: July 15, 2007
    Where: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
    MERL Contacts: Jinyun Zhang; Philip V. Orlik
    • The articles "Hybrid Ultrawideband Modulations Compatible for Both Coherent and Transmit-Reference Receivers" by Zhao, S., Orlik, P., Molisch, A.F., Liu, H. and Zhang, J. and "Approximating a Sum of Random Variables with a Lognormal" by Mehta, N.B., Wu, J., Molisch, A.F. and Zhang, J. were published in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
  •  NEWS    IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology: publication by MERL researchers and others
    Date: July 15, 2007
    Where: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
    Research Area: Communications
    • The article "Iterative Methods for Cancellation of Intercarrier Interference in OFDM Systems" by Molisch, A.F., Toeltsch, M. and Vermani, S. was published in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
  •  NEWS    ICME 2007: 2 publications by MERL researchers and others
    Date: July 2, 2007
    Where: IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)
    • The papers "An SVM Framework for Genre-Independent Scene Change Detection" by Goela, N., Wilson, K., Niu, F., Divakaran, A. and Otsuka, I. and "Probabilistic Visual Tracking via Robust Template Matching and Incremental Subspace Update" by Mei, X., Zhou, S.K. and Porikli, F. were presented at the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME).
  •  NEWS    ICC 2007: 2 publications by Jinyun Zhang and others
    Date: June 24, 2007
    Where: IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)
    MERL Contact: Jinyun Zhang
    • The papers "Spectral Efficiency of Channel-Aware Schedulers in Non-identical Composite Links with Interference" by Wu, J., Mehta, N.B., Molisch, A.F. and Zhang, J. and "On the Fundamentally Asynchronous Nature of Interference in Cooperative Base Station Systems" by Zhang, H., Mehta, N.B., Molisch, A.F., Zhang, J. and Dai, H. were presented at the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC).
  •  NEWS    ISIT 2007: 2 publications by MERL researchers and others
    Date: June 24, 2007
    Where: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT)
    • The papers "ML Decoding via Mixed-Integer Adaptive Linear Programming" by Draper, S.C., Yedidia, J.S. and Wang, Y. and "Compound Conditional Source Coding, Slepian-Wolf List Decoding, and Applications to Media Coding" by Draper, S. and Martinian, E. were presented at the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT).
  •  NEWS    IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics 2007: publication by Daniel Nikovski and others
    Date: June 23, 2007
    Where: IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics
    MERL Contact: Daniel N. Nikovski
    Research Areas: Optmization, Data Analytics
    • The paper "Memory-Based Algorithms for Abrupt Change Detection in Sensor Data Streams" by Nikovski, D. and Jain, A. was presented at the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics.
  •  NEWS    CVPR 2007: 3 publications by Oncel Tuzel, Amit Agrawal and Ramesh Raskar
    Date: June 17, 2007
    Where: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
    Research Area: Computer Vision
    • The papers "Resolving Objects at Higher Resolution from a Single Motion-blurred Image" by Agrawal, A. and Raskar, R., "Human Detection via Classification on Riemannian Manifolds" by Tuzel, O., Porikli, F. and Meer, P. and "Statistics of Infrared Images" by Morris, N., Avidan, S., Matusik, W. and Pfister, H. were presented at the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).