News & Events

1,227 News items found.

  •  NEWS    International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques 2008: publication by MERL researchers and others
    Date: August 11, 2008
    Where: International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques
    Research Area: Computer Vision
    • The paper "Towards Passive 6D Reflectance Field Displays" by Fuchs, M., Raskar, R., Seidel, H.-P. and Lensch, P.A.L. was presented at the International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques.
  •  NEWS    SPIE Conference on Applications of Digital Image Processing 2008: publication by Anthony Vetro, Sehoon Yea and others
    Date: August 11, 2008
    Where: SPIE Conference on Applications of Digital Image Processing
    MERL Contact: Anthony Vetro
    Research Area: Digital Video
    • The paper "Towards a 3D Video Format for Auto-Stereoscopic Displays" by Vetro, A., Yea, S. and Smolic, A. was presented at the SPIE Conference on Applications of Digital Image Processing.
  •  NEWS    IWCMC 2008: publication by Zhifeng Tao, Jinyun Zhang, Philip Orlik and others
    Date: August 6, 2008
    Where: International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC)
    MERL Contacts: Jinyun Zhang; Philip V. Orlik
    Research Area: Communications
    • The paper "Enhanced HARQ Technique Using Self-Interference Cancellation Coding (SICC)" by Matsumoto, W., Kuze, T., Uchida, S., Hideo, Y., Orlik, P.V., Molisch, A.F., Tao, Z. and Zhang, J. was presented at the International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC).
  •  NEWS    ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG): 2 publications by Jay Thornton, Amit K. Agrawal and others
    Date: August 1, 2008
    Where: ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)
    Research Area: Computer Vision
    • The articles "Improved Seam Carving for Video Retargeting" by Rubinstein, M., Shamir, A. and Avidan, A. and "Glare Aware Photography: 4D Ray Sampling for Reducing Glare Effects of Camera Lenses" by Raskar, R., Agrawal, A., Wilson, C. and Veeraraghavan, A. were published in ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG).
  •  NEWS    IHCI 2008: publication by MERL researchers and others
    Date: July 25, 2008
    Where: IADIS International Conference Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction (IHCI)
    Research Area: Speech & Audio
    • The paper "Display Style Considerations for In-Car Multimodal Music Search" by Weinberg, G. and Kondili, D. was presented at the IADIS International Conference Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction (IHCI).
  •  NEWS    ISIT 2008: publication by Anthony Vetro, Shantanu D. Rane and others
    Date: July 6, 2008
    Where: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT)
    MERL Contact: Anthony Vetro
    Research Area: Information Security
    • The paper "Feature Extraction for a Slepian-Wolf Biometric System Using LDPC Codes" by Sutcu, Y., Rane, S., Yedidia, J.S., Draper, S.C. and Vetro, A. was presented at the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT).
  •  NEWS    CVPR 2008: 8 publications by Jay Thornton, Shantanu D. Rane, Oncel Tuzel, Matthew Brand, Anthony Vetro and Amit K. Agrawal
    Date: June 28, 2008
    Where: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
    MERL Contacts: Matthew Brand; Anthony Vetro
    • The papers "Non-Refractive Modulators for Encoding and Capturing Scene Appearance and Depth" by Veeraraghavan, A., Agrawal, A., Raskar, R., Mohan, A. and Tumblin, J., "Feature Transformation of Biometric Templates for Secure Biometric Systems based on Error Correcting Codes" by Sutcu, Y., Rane, S., Yedidia, J.S., Draper, S.C. and Vetro, A., "Constant Time O(1) Bilateral Filtering" by Porikli, F., "Learning on Lie Groups for Invariant Detection and Tracking" by Tuzel, O., Porikli, F. and Meer, P., "Kernel Integral Images: A Framework for Fast non-Uniform Filtering" by Hussein, M., Porikli, F. and Davis, L., "A Conditional Random Field for Automatic Photo Editing" by Brand, M. and Pletscher, P., "Boosting Adaptive Linear Weak Classifiers for Online Learning and Tracking" by Parag, T., Porikli, F. and Elgammai, A. and "Sensing Increased Image Resolution Using Aperture Masks" by Mohan, A., Huang, X., Tumblin, J. and Raskar, R. were presented at the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).
  •  NEWS    ICEIS 2008: publication by Daniel Nikovski
    Date: June 12, 2008
    Where: International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS)
    MERL Contact: Daniel N. Nikovski
    Research Area: Data Analytics
    • The paper "Workflow Trees for Representation and Mining of Implicitly Concurrent Business Processes" by Nikovski, D. was presented at the International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS).
  •  NEWS    ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference 2008: publication by Chunjie Duan and others
    Date: June 8, 2008
    Where: ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference
    • The paper "Forbidden Transition Free Crosstalk Avoidance CODEC Design" by Duan, C., Zhu, C. and Khatri, S.P. was presented at the ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference.
  •  NEWS    AVI 2008: 5 publications by Kent Wittenburg, Clifton Forlines and others
    Date: May 28, 2008
    Where: International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI)
    • The papers "Multiview User Interfaces with an Automultiscopic Display" by Matusik, W., Forlines, C. and Pfister, H., "Adapting a Single-user, Single-display Molecular Visualization Application for Use in a Multi-user, Multi-Display Environment" by Forlines, C. and Lilien, R., "Content Aware Video Presentation on High-Resolution Displays" by Forlines, C., "Visualizing Antenna Design Spaces" by Wittenburg, K., Lanning, T., Leigh, D. and Ryall, K. and "Combining and Measuring the Benefits of Bimanual Pen and Direct-Touch Interaction of Interfaces" by Brandl, P., Forlines, C., Wigdor, D., Haller, M. and Shen, C. were presented at the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI).
  •  NEWS    3DTV-CON 2008: publication by Anthony Vetro and Sehoon Yea
    Date: May 28, 2008
    Where: 3DTV-Conference (3DTV-CON)
    MERL Contact: Anthony Vetro
    Research Area: Digital Video
    • The paper "View Synthesis Prediction for Rate-Overhead Reduction in FTV" by Yea, S. and Vetro, A. was presented at the 3DTV-Conference (3DTV-CON).
  •  NEWS    Cambridge University Press: publication by Zafer Sahinoglu and others
    Date: May 27, 2008
    Where: Cambridge University Press
    Research Areas: Communications, Signal Processing
  •  NEWS    ICC 2008: 9 publications by Koon Hoo Teo, Zhifeng (Jeffrey) Tao, Philip Orlik, Chunjie Duan, Jinyun Zhang and Zafer Sahinoglu
    Date: May 19, 2008
    Where: IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)
    MERL Contacts: Philip V. Orlik; Jinyun Zhang
    • The papers "Narrowband Interference Resilient Receiver Design for Unknown UWB Signal Detection" by Ozdemir, O., Sahinoglu, Z. and Zhang, J., "Localization via TDOA in a UWB Sensor Network using Neural Networks" by Ergut, S., Rao, R.R., Dural, O. and Sahinoglu, Z., "On the Performance of Linear Least-Squares Estimation in Wireless Positioning Systems" by Gezici, S., Guvenc, I. and Sahinoglu, Z., "Best Node Selection through Distributed Fast Variable Power Multiple Access" by Yim, R., Mehta, N.B. and Molisch, A.F., "Antenna Selection for Next Generation IEEE 802.16 Mobile Stations" by Nie, C., Tao, Z., Mehta, N.B., Molisch, A.F., Zhang, J., Kuze, T. and Panwar, S., "Routing in Cooperative Wireless Networks with Mutual-Information Accumulation" by Draper, S.C., Liu, A., Molisch, A.F. and Yedidia, J.S., "A Low-Complexity Synchronization Design for MB-OFDM Ultra-Wideband Systems" by Ye, Z., Duan, C., Orlik, P. and Zhang, J., "A Game-Theoretic Framework for Interference Management through Cognitive Sensing" by Chen, Y., Teo, K.H., Kishore, S. and Zhang, J. and "Inter-Cell Interference Management in WiMAX Downlinks by A Stackelberg Game between BSs" by Chen, Y., Teo, K.H., Kishore, S. and Zhang, J. were presented at the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC).
  •  NEWS    IEEE Workshop on Human Detection from Mobile Platforms 2008: publication by MERL researchers and others
    Date: May 19, 2008
    Where: IEEE Workshop on Human Detection from Mobile Platforms
    Research Area: Machine Learning
    • The paper "Towards Practical Evaluation of Pedestrian Detectors" by Hussein, M., Porikli, F. and Davis, L. was presented at the IEEE Workshop on Human Detection from Mobile Platforms.
  •  NEWS    ISCAS 2008: publication by Anthony Vetro and others
    Date: May 18, 2008
    Where: IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)
    MERL Contact: Anthony Vetro
    Research Area: Digital Video
    • The paper "Complexity and Memory Efficient GOP Structures Supporting VCR Functionalities in H.264/AVC" by Lou, J., Liu, S., Vetro, A. and Sun, M.-T. was presented at the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS).
  •  NEWS    IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology: publication by MERL researchers and others
    Date: May 15, 2008
    Where: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
    Research Area: Communications
    • The article "Outdoor-to-Indoor Office MIMO Measurements and Analysis at 5.2 GHz" by Wyne, S., Molisch, A.F., Almers, P., Eriksson, G., Karedal, J. and Tufvesson, F. was published in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
  •  NEWS    VTC 2008: 2 publications by MERL researchers and others
    Date: May 11, 2008
    Where: IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC)
    • The papers "The Composite Channel Method: Efficient Experimental Evaluation of a Realistic MIMO Terminal in the Presence of a Human Body" by Harrysson, F., Medbo, J., Molisch, A.F., Johansson, A.J. and Tufvesson, F. and "Scatterer Detection by Successive Cancellation for UWB - Method and Experimental Verification" by Santos, T., Karedal, J., Almers, P., Tufvesson, F. and Molisch, A.F. were presented at the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC).
  •  NEWS    CHI 2008: 2 publications by Clifton Forlines and others
    Date: April 5, 2008
    Where: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)
    • The papers "LivOlay: Interactive Ad-hoc Registration and Overlapping of Applications for Collaborative Visual Exploration" by Jiang, H., Wigdor, D., Forlines, C., Borkin, M., Kauffmann, J. and Shen, C. and "Evaluating Tactile Feedback and Direct vs. Indirect Stylus Input in Pointing and Crossing Selection Tasks" by Forlines, C. and Balakrishnan, R. were presented at the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI).
  •  NEWS    WCNC 2008: 2 publications by Zhifeng, Jinyun Zhang and others
    Date: March 31, 2008
    Where: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC)
    MERL Contact: Jinyun Zhang
    • The papers "MAC 24-1 Efficient Multiple Access using Received Signal Strength and Local Channel Information" by Yim, R., Mehta, N.B., Molisch, A.F. and Zhang, J. and "Performance Improvement for Multichannel HARQ Protocol in Next Generation WiMAX System" by Tao, Z., Li, A., Zhang, J. and Kuze, T. were presented at the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC).
  •  NEWS    ICASSP 2008: 4 publications by MERL researchers and others
    Date: March 31, 2008
    Where: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
    • The papers "Joint Tracking and Video Registration by Factorial Hidden Markov Models" by Mei, X. and Porikli, F., "Speech Denoising Using Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Priors" by Wilson, K.W., Raj, B., Smaragdis, P. and Divakaran, A., "Ultrasonic Doppler Sensor for Speaker Recognition" by Kalgaonkar, K. and Raj, B. and "Sparse and Shift-Invariant Feature Extraction from Non-Negative Data" by Smaragdis, P., Raj, B. and Shashanka, M. were presented at the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP).
  •  NEWS    BMSB 2008: publication by Jinyun Zhang and others
    Date: March 31, 2008
    Where: IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB)
    MERL Contact: Jinyun Zhang
    Research Area: Communications
    • The paper "Hot-Spot Wireless Access Exploiting Shadowing Diversity of Distributed Antennas" by Li, Y. and Zhang, J. was presented at the IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB).
  •  NEWS    IEEE International Zurich Seminar on Communications 2008: publication by MERL researchers and others
    Date: March 12, 2008
    Where: IEEE International Zurich Seminar on Communications
    • The paper "Iterative Linear-Programming-Based Route Optimization for Cooperative Networks" by Draper, S., Liu, L., Molisch, A. and Yedidia, J. was presented at the IEEE International Zurich Seminar on Communications.
  •  NEWS    Design, Automation and Test in Europe 2008: publication by Chunjie Duan and others
    Date: March 10, 2008
    Where: Design, Automation and Test in Europe
    • The paper "Energy Efficient and High Speed On-Chip Ternary Bus" by Duan, C. and Khatri, S.P. was presented at Design, Automation and Test in Europe.
  •  NEWS    IEEE Communications Letters: publication by Zafer Sahinoglu and others
    Date: March 1, 2008
    Where: IEEE Communications Letters
    Research Area: Communications
    • The article "Ranging in a Single-Input Multiple Output (SIMO) System" by Gezici, S. and Sahinoglu, Z. was published in IEEE Communications Letters.
  •  NEWS    WSA 2008: publication by MERL researchers and others
    Date: February 26, 2008
    Where: International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA)
    Research Area: Communications
    • The paper "Non-WSSUS Vehicular Channel Characterization in Highway and Urban Scenarios at 5.2 GHz Using the Local Scattering Function" by Paier, A., Zemen, T., Bernado, L., Matz, G., Karedal, J., Czink, N., Dumard, C., Tufvesson, F., Molisch, A.F. and Mecklenbrauker, C.F. was presented at the International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA).