- Date: March 17, 2011
Where: IEEE Transactions on Communications
MERL Contacts: Philip V. Orlik; Toshiaki Koike-Akino
Research Area: Communications
Brief - The article "Capacity, MSE and Secrecy Analysis of Linear Block Precoding for Distributed Antenna Systems in Multi-User Frequency-Selective Fading Channels" by Koike-Akino, T., Molisch, A.F., Duan, C., Tao, Z. and Orlik, P. was published in IEEE Transactions on Communications.
- Date: March 15, 2011
Where: Machine Vision and Applications
Research Area: Machine Learning
Brief - The article "In-vehicle Camera Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition" by Ruta, A., Porikli, F.M., Watanabe, S. and Li, Y. was published in Machine Vision and Applications.
- Date: March 1, 2011
Where: IEEE Signal Processing Letters
Research Area: Communications
Brief - The article "Knowledge-Aided Adaptive Coherence Estimator in Stochastic Partially Homogeneous Environments" by Wang, P., Sahinoglu, Z., Pun, M.-O., Li, H. and Himed, B. was published in IEEE Signal Processing Letters.
- Date: February 15, 2011
Where: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing
Research Area: Communications
Brief - The article "Random Access Protocols for Collaborative Spectrum Sensing in Multi-Band Cognitive Radio Networks" by Chen, R.-R., Teo, K.H. and Farhang-Boroujeny, B. was published in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing.
- Date: February 15, 2011
Where: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory Brief - The article "Divide and Concur and Difference - Map BP Decoders for LDPC Codes" by Yedidia, J.S., Wang, Y. and Draper, S.C. was published in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
- Date: February 10, 2011
Where: IEEE Communications Letters
Research Area: Signal Processing
Brief - The article "Improving Range Accuracy of IEEE.802.15.4a Radios in the Presence of Clock Frequency Offsets" by Sahinoglu, Z. was published in IEEE Communications Letters.
- Date: February 6, 2011
Where: IEEE Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA)
MERL Contact: Philip V. Orlik Brief - The papers "An Information-Theoretic Analysis of Revocability and Reusability in Secure Biometrics" by Wang, Y., Rane, S., Draper, S.C. and Ishwar, P. and "Achieving Near-Exponential Diversity on Uncoded Low-Dimensional MIMO, Multi-User and Multi-Carrier Systems without Transmitter CSI" by Annavajjala, R. and Orlik, P.V. were presented at the IEEE Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA).
- Date: January 31, 2011
Where: IEEE Multimedia
Research Area: Speech & Audio
Brief - The article "Multimodal Input in the Car, Today and Tomorrow" by Mueller, C. and Weinberg, G. was published in IEEE Multimedia.
- Date: January 17, 2011
Where: IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting
MERL Contact: Anthony Vetro
Research Area: Digital Video
Brief - The article "3D-TV Content Storage and Transmission" by Vetro, A., Tourapis, A.M., Muller, K. and Chen, T. was published in IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting.
- Date: January 17, 2011
Where: IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT)
Research Area: Signal Processing
Brief - The paper "Extended Kalman Filter Based Grid Synchronization in the Presence of Voltage Unbalance for Smart Grid" by Sun, M. and Sahinoglu, Z. was presented at IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT).
- Date: January 15, 2011
Where: Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision
Research Area: Computer Vision
Brief - The article "Camera Models and Fundamental Concepts Used in Geometric Computer Vision" by Sturm, P., Ramalingam, S., Tardif, J.-P., Gasparini, S. and Barreto, J. was published in Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision.
- Date: January 15, 2011
Where: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
Research Area: Computer Vision
Brief - The article "A Fast Bilinear Structure from Motion Algorithm Using a Video Sequence and Inertial Sensors" by Ramachandran, M., Veeraraghavan, A. and Chellappa, R. was published in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
- Date: January 13, 2011
Where: IEEE Transactions on Communications
Research Area: Communications
Brief - The article "Performance Analysis of Joint Opportunistic Scheduling and Receiver Design for MIMO-SDMA Downlink Systems" by Pun, M.-O., Koivunen, V. and Poor, H.V. was published in IEEE Transactions on Communications.
- Date: January 9, 2011
Where: IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC)
MERL Contact: Jinyun Zhang
Research Area: Communications
Brief - The paper "Comparison of Analog and Digital Network Coding Approaches for Bidirectional Relaying with Private Messages to the Relay" by Maaref, A., Annavajjala, R. and Zhang, J. was presented at the IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC).
- Date: January 2, 2011
Where: IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
MERL Contact: Jinyun Zhang
Research Area: Communications
Brief - The article "Efficiency and Reliability of One-Hop Broadcasting in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks" by Ye, F., Yim, R., Roy, S. and Zhang, J. was published in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications.
- Date: December 15, 2010
Where: ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)
Research Area: Computer Vision
Brief - The article "Axial-Cones: Modeling Spherical Catadioptric Cameras for Wide-Angle Light Field Rendering:" by Taguchi, Y., Agrawal, A., Veeraraghavan, A., Ramalingam, S. and Raskar, R. was published in ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG).
- Date: December 12, 2010
Where: IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS)
Research Area: Information Security
Brief - The paper "Privacy Preserving String Comparisons Based on Levenshtein Distance" by Rane, S. and Sun, W. was presented at the IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS).
- Date: December 9, 2010
Where: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS)
Research Area: Information Security
Brief - The paper "Multiparty Differential Privacy via Aggregation of Locally Trained Classifiers" by Pathak, M., Rane, S. and Raj, B. was presented at Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS).
- Date: December 7, 2010
Where: Picture Coding Symposium (PCS)
MERL Contacts: Anthony Vetro; Petros T. Boufounos
Research Area: Digital Video
Brief - The paper "Wyner-Ziv Coding of Multispectral Images for Space and Airborne Platforms" by Rane, S., Wang, Y., Boufounos, P. and Vetro, A. was presented at the Picture Coding Symposium (PCS).
- Date: December 6, 2010
Where: IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM)
MERL Contacts: Philip V. Orlik; Jinyun Zhang; Toshiaki Koike-Akino Brief - The papers "Multi-hop Localization Using Mobility (MLM) in Mixed LOS/NLOS Environments" by Takenaka, T., Sahinoglu, Z., Bhatti, G.M., Zhang, J., Mineno, H. and Mizuno, T., "Two-Step Low-Complexity Space-Time Adaptive Processing (STAP)" by Pun, M.-O., Sahinoglu, Z., Shah, S., Hara, Y. and Wang, P. and "High-Order Super-Block GLRT for Non-Coherent Grassmann Codes in MIMO-OFDM Systems" by Koike-Akino, T. and Orlik, P. were presented at the IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM).
- Date: December 3, 2010
Where: IEEE Communications Letters
Research Area: Signal Processing
Brief - The article "The Gamma Variate with Random Shape Parameter and Some Applications" by Maaref, A. and Annavajjala, R. was published in IEEE Communications Letters.
- Date: December 1, 2010
Where: International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology
MERL Contact: Anthony Vetro
Research Area: Digital Video
Brief - The article "Virtual View Synthesis Method and Self-Evaluation Metrics for Free Viewpoint Television and 3D Video" by Oh, K.-J., Yea, S., Vetro, A. and Ho, Y.-S. was published in International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology.
- Date: November 11, 2010
Where: IEEE Transactions on Communications
Research Area: Signal Processing
Brief - The article "On a Ratio of Functions of Exponential Random Variables and Some Applications" by Annavajjala, R., Chockalingam, A. and Mohammed, S.K. was published in IEEE Transactions on Communications.
- Date: November 2, 2010
Where: SmartGrids China
MERL Contact: Jinyun Zhang
Research Area: Electric Systems
Brief - The paper "The Latest Development of SmartGrid" by Zhang, J. was presented at SmartGrids China.
- Date: November 1, 2010
Where: Automatica
MERL Contact: Yebin Wang Brief - The article "Observer Forms for Perspective Systems" by Dahl, O., Wang, Y., Lynch, A. F. and Heyden, A. was published in Automatica.