
COLLAGEN: A Collaboration Manager for Software Interface Agents

    •  Rich, C., Sidner, C.L., "COLLAGEN: A Collaboration Manager for Software Interface Agents", International Journal of User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, Vol. 8, No. 3/4, pp. 315-350, January 1998.
      BibTeX TR97-21a PDF
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      • author = {Rich, C. and Sidner, C.L.},
      • title = {{COLLAGEN: A Collaboration Manager for Software Interface Agents}},
      • journal = {International Journal of User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction},
      • year = 1998,
      • volume = 8,
      • number = {3/4},
      • pages = {315--350},
      • month = jan,
      • url = {}
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We have implemented an application-independent collaboration manager, called Collagen, based on the SharedPlan theory of discourse, and used it to build a software interface agent for a simple air travel application. The software agent provides intelligent, mixed initiative assistance without requiring natural language understanding. A key benefit of the collaboration manager is the automatic construction of an interaction history which is hierarchically structured according to the user\'s and agent\'s goals and intentions.


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