
An Explicit Construction of Fast Cocyclic Jacket Transform on the Finite Field with Any Size

    •  Guo, Y., Lee, M.H., Kim, K.J., "An Explicit Construction of Fast Cocyclic Jacket Transform on the Finite Field with Any Size", EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, August 2012.
      BibTeX TR2012-101 PDF
      • @article{Guo2012aug2,
      • author = {Guo, Y. and Lee, M.H. and Kim, K.J.},
      • title = {{An Explicit Construction of Fast Cocyclic Jacket Transform on the Finite Field with Any Size}},
      • journal = {EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing},
      • year = 2012,
      • month = aug,
      • url = {}
      • }
  • Research Area:



An orthogonal cocyclic framework of the block-wise inverse Jacket transform (BIJT) is proposed over the finite field. Instead of the conventional block-wise inverse Jacket matrix (BIJM), we investigate the cocyclic block-wise inverse Jacket matrix (CBIJM), where the high-order CBIJM can be factorized into the low-order sparse CBIJMs with a successive block architecture. It has a recursive fashion that leads to a fast algorithm concerned for reducing computational load. The fast transforms are also developed for the two-dimensional cocyclic block-wise inverse Jacket transform (CBIJT). The present CBIJM may be used for many matrix-based applications, such as the DFT signal processing, combinatorics, and the Reed-Muller code design.


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