
Fractionally-Spaced Statistical Equalizer for Fiber Nonlinearity Mitigation in Digital Coherent Optical Systems

    •  Koike-Akino, T., Parsons, K., Kojima, K., Duan, C., Yoshida, T., Sugihara, T., Mizuochi, T., "Fractionally-Spaced Statistical Equalizer for Fiber Nonlinearity Mitigation in Digital Coherent Optical Systems", Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (OFC/NFOEC), March 2012, pp. 1-3.
      BibTeX TR2012-008 PDF
      • @inproceedings{Koike-Akino2012mar,
      • author = {Koike-Akino, T. and Parsons, K. and Kojima, K. and Duan, C. and Yoshida, T. and Sugihara, T. and Mizuochi, T.},
      • title = {{Fractionally-Spaced Statistical Equalizer for Fiber Nonlinearity Mitigation in Digital Coherent Optical Systems}},
      • booktitle = {Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (OFC/NFOEC)},
      • year = 2012,
      • pages = {1--3},
      • month = mar,
      • isbn = {978-1-4673-0262-3},
      • url = {}
      • }
  • MERL Contacts:
  • Research Areas:

    Communications, Signal Processing

TR Image

We propose a fractionally-spaced equalizer with trained second-order statistics to deal with nonlinear impairment in coherent optical communications. The proposed 3-tap equalizer improves Q-factor by more than 2 dB for long-haul transmissions of 5,230 km.


  • Related News & Events

    •  NEWS    OFC/NFOEC 2012: 2 publications by Toshiaki Koike-Akino, Chunjie Duan, Keisuke Kojima, Kieran J. Parsons and others
      Date: March 4, 2012
      Where: Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (OFC/NFOEC)
      MERL Contacts: Toshiaki Koike-Akino; Kieran Parsons
      • The papers "Fractionally-Spaced Statistical Equalizer for Fiber Nonlinearity Mitigation in Digital Coherent Optical Systems" by Koike-Akino, T., Parsons, K., Kojima, K., Duan, C., Yoshida, T., Sugihara, T. and Mizuochi, T. and "A Low-Complexity Sliding-Window Turbo Equalizer for Nonlinearity Compensation" by Duan, C., Parsons, K., Koike-Akino, T., Annavajjala, R., Kojima, K., Yoshida, T., Sugihara, T. and Mizouchi, T. were presented at the Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (OFC/NFOEC).