
Achieving Near-Exponential Diversity on Uncoded Low-Dimensional MIMO, Multi-User and Multi-Carrier Systems Without Transmitter CSI

    •  Annavajjala, R., Orlik, P.V., "Achieving Near-Exponential Diversity on Uncoded Low-Dimensional MIMO, Multi-User and Multi-Carrier Systems without Transmitter CSI", IEEE Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA), February 2011, pp. 1-11.
      BibTeX TR2011-011 PDF
      • @inproceedings{Annavajjala2011feb,
      • author = {Annavajjala, R. and Orlik, P.V.},
      • title = {{Achieving Near-Exponential Diversity on Uncoded Low-Dimensional MIMO, Multi-User and Multi-Carrier Systems without Transmitter CSI}},
      • booktitle = {IEEE Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA)},
      • year = 2011,
      • pages = {1--11},
      • month = feb,
      • isbn = {978-1-4577-0361-4},
      • url = {}
      • }
  • MERL Contact:
  • Research Area:



It is well-known that for single-input and single-output (SISO) narrow-band transmission on frequency-flat fading channels, uncoded communication with only receiver channel state information (Rx-CSI) leads to extremely poor reliability performance whereas transmitter CSI (Tx-CSI) allows us approach the reliability of an additive white gaussian noise (AWGN) channel via power control. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to achieve reliability close to the AWGN channel for uncoded transmissions on SISO frequency-flat Rayleigh fading channels without Tx-CSI. Our approach employs pseudo-random phase precoding (PRPP) of modulation symbols prior to temporal multiplexing, and joint-detection at the receiver that has polynomial complexity in the precoder size. With a precoder size of 400 binary symbols, we demonstrate that the proposed system achieves performance within 0.1 dB of the AWGN channel at a bit error rate of 0.00001, and is also robust to fading correlation and channel estimation errors. Furthermore, we present extensions to multiple-user multiple-input and multiple-output (MU-MIMO) systems and wideband transmission schemes such as orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) and single carrier frequency-domain multiple access (SC-FDMA) systems. We show, through extensive simulations, that i) with 8- by-8 MIMO system per-stream AWGN channel reliability is achieved with 8 spatial streams and 50 channel uses, ii) for a 5 user multiple-access channel with one antenna per user and 5 antennas at the receiver, 80 channel uses eliminates fading and interference complexity while simultaneously providing a power gain of approximately 6.9 dB, and iii) for OFDM and SC-FDMA systems with single antenna at the transmitter and two antennas at the receiver, within 0.1 and 0.3 dB of the matched-filter bound performance is achieved with a precoder size of 96 and 400 symbols, respectively.


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      Date: February 6, 2011
      Where: IEEE Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA)
      MERL Contact: Philip V. Orlik
      • The papers "An Information-Theoretic Analysis of Revocability and Reusability in Secure Biometrics" by Wang, Y., Rane, S., Draper, S.C. and Ishwar, P. and "Achieving Near-Exponential Diversity on Uncoded Low-Dimensional MIMO, Multi-User and Multi-Carrier Systems without Transmitter CSI" by Annavajjala, R. and Orlik, P.V. were presented at the IEEE Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA).