
Effect of Transmission Parameters on Efficiency and Reliability of V2V Networks

    •  Yim, R., Ye, F., Roy, S., Orlik, P., "Effect of Transmission Parameters on Efficiency and Reliability of V2V Networks", World Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services (ITS), October 2010.
      BibTeX TR2010-111 PDF
      • @inproceedings{Yim2010oct1,
      • author = {Yim, R. and Ye, F. and Roy, S. and Orlik, P.},
      • title = {{Effect of Transmission Parameters on Efficiency and Reliability of V2V Networks}},
      • booktitle = {World Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services (ITS)},
      • year = 2010,
      • month = oct,
      • url = {}
      • }
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Vehicle-to-vehicle communications is essential to create cooperative awareness amongst vehicles, improve roadway safety and roadway capacity, and reduce green house gas emissions. As vehicle density increases, the amount of cooperative awareness messages also increases, which in turn increases the amount of background interference in the wireless channel. Transmission under high degree of background interference reduces the reliability of the packet. Adjusting transmission parameters such as transmission power or backoff mechanism may reduce interference, but they also decrease efficiency of packet transmission. This paper quantifies the tradeoff between transmission efficiency and reliability, and shows how various transmission parameters affect overall system performance under different vehicle densities.


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      Where: World Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services (ITS)
      MERL Contacts: Jinyun Zhang; Philip V. Orlik; Jianlin Guo
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