Propagation Aspects of Vehicle-To-Vehicle Communications - An Overview
- "Propagation Aspects of Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications - An Overview", IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS), January 2009.BibTeX TR2009-008 PDF
- @inproceedings{Molisch2009jan,
- author = {Molisch, A. and Tufvesson, F. and Karedal, J. and Mecklenbrauker, C.},
- title = {{Propagation Aspects of Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications - An Overview}},
- booktitle = {IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS)},
- year = 2009,
- month = jan,
- url = {}
- }
- "Propagation Aspects of Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications - An Overview", IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS), January 2009.
Research Area:

Vehicle-to-vehicle (VTV) wireless communications have many envisioned applications in traffic safety, congestion avoidance, etc., but the development of suitable communications systems and standards requires accurate models for the VTV propagation channel. This paper provides an overview of existing VTV channel measurement campaigns, describing the most important environments, and the delay spread and Doppler spreads obtained in them. Statistical as well as geometry-based channel models have been developed based on measurements and intuitive insights. A key characteristic of VTV channels is the non-stationarity of their statistics, which has major impact on the system performance. Extensive references are provided.
Related News & Events
NEWS IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium 2009: publication by MERL researchers and others Date: January 18, 2009
Where: IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS)
Research Area: CommunicationsBrief- The paper "Propagation Aspects of Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications - An Overview" by Molisch, A., Tufvesson, F., Karedal, J. and Mecklenbrauker, C. was presented at the IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium.