Perception of Elementary Graphical Elements in Tabletop and Multi-Surface Environments
- "Perception of Elementary Graphical Elements in Tabletop and Multi-Surface Environments", Conference on Human Factors In Computing Systems (SIGCHI), April 2007.BibTeX TR2007-054 PDF
- @inproceedings{Wigdor2007apr,
- author = {Wigdor, D. and Shen, C. and Forlines, C. and Balakrishnan, R.},
- title = {{Perception of Elementary Graphical Elements in Tabletop and Multi-Surface Environments}},
- booktitle = {Conference on Human Factors In Computing Systems (SIGCHI)},
- year = 2007,
- month = apr,
- isbn = {978-1-59593-593-9},
- url = {}
- }
- "Perception of Elementary Graphical Elements in Tabletop and Multi-Surface Environments", Conference on Human Factors In Computing Systems (SIGCHI), April 2007.
Information shown on a tabletop display can appear distorted when viewed by a seated user. Even worse, the impact of this distortion is different depending on the location of the information on the display. In this paper, we examine how this distortion affects the perception of the basic graphical elements of information visualization shown on displays at various angles. We first examine perception of these elements on a single display, and then compare this to perception across displays, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of various elements for use in a tabletop and multi-display environment. We found that the perception of some graphical elements is more robust to distortion than others. We then develop recommendations for building data visualizations for these environments.
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NEWS SIGCHI 2007: 2 publications by Chia Shen and others Date: April 28, 2007
Where: Conference on Human Factors In Computing Systems (SIGCHI)Brief- The papers "Perception of Elementary Graphical Elements in Tabletop and Multi-Surface Environments" by Wigdor, D., Shen, C., Forlines, C. and Balakrishnan, R. and "How Pairs Interact Over a Multimodal Digital Table" by Tse, E., Shen, C., Greenberg, S. and Forlines, C. were presented at the Conference on Human Factors In Computing Systems (SIGCHI).