
Effects of Display Position and Control Space Orientation on User Preference and Performance

    •  Wigdor, D., Shen, C., Forlines, C., Balakrishnan, R., "Effects of Display Position and Control Space Orientation on User Preference and Performance", ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), April 2006, pp. 309-318.
      BibTeX TR2006-015 PDF
      • @inproceedings{Wigdor2006apr,
      • author = {Wigdor, D. and Shen, C. and Forlines, C. and Balakrishnan, R.},
      • title = {{Effects of Display Position and Control Space Orientation on User Preference and Performance}},
      • booktitle = {ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)},
      • year = 2006,
      • pages = {309--318},
      • month = apr,
      • isbn = {1-59593-372-7},
      • url = {}
      • }

In many environments, it is often the case that input is made to displays that are positioned non-traditionally relative to one or more users. This typically requires users to perform interaction tasks under transformed input-display spatial mappings, and the literature is unclear as to how such transformations affect performance. We present two experiments that explore the impact of display space position and input control space orientation on user's subjective preference and objective performance in a docking task. Our results provide guidelines as to optimal display placement and control orientation in collaborative computing environments with one or more shared displays.


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    •  NEWS    CHI 2006: 2 publications by Clifton Forlines, Chia Shen, Alan Esenther and others
      Date: April 22, 2006
      Where: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)
      Research Area: Data Analytics
      • The papers "Effects of Display Position and Control Space Orientation on User Preference and Performance" by Wigdor, D., Shen, C., Forlines, C. and Balakrishnan, R. and "Three Modes of Multi-Surface Interaction and Visualization" by Shen, C., Esenther, A., Forlines, C. and Ryall, K. were presented at the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI).