
Spectral Efficiency Analysis of Cellular Systems with Channel-Aware Schedulers

    •  Wu, J., Mehta, N.B., Zhang, J., "Spectral Efficiency Analysis of Cellular Systems with Channel-Aware Schedulers", IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), November 2005, vol. 3, pp. 1383-1387.
      BibTeX TR2005-104 PDF
      • @inproceedings{Wu2005nov2,
      • author = {Wu, J. and Mehta, N.B. and Zhang, J.},
      • title = {{Spectral Efficiency Analysis of Cellular Systems with Channel-Aware Schedulers}},
      • booktitle = {IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM)},
      • year = 2005,
      • volume = 3,
      • pages = {1383--1387},
      • month = nov,
      • url = {}
      • }
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We derive exact closed-form expressions for the system-level theoretical spectral efficiency of cellular radio systems that use channel-aware schedulers and operate in the presence of co-channel interference and noise. The co-channel interferers are not identically distributed, as is the case in typical cellular layouts. Accounting for non-identical interferers avoids the loose spectral efficiency bounds in the literature that only look at the worse case and best case locations of identical co-channel interferers. It also enables including the effect of second-tier interferers in the cellular layout, and leads to analytical results that are in excellent agreement with the simulation results. The spectral efficiencies of the greedy Max-SINR and the fair RoundRobin scheduler are compared. The detrimental effect of using small modulation alphabet sizes, as is the case in second and third generation cellular standards, is also quantified.


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      Date: November 28, 2005
      Where: IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM)
      MERL Contact: Jinyun Zhang
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