
Interactive Partitioning

    •  Neal Lesh, Joe Marks, Maurizio Patrignani, "Interactive Partitioning", Tech. Rep. TR2000-31, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Cambridge, MA, October 2000.
      BibTeX TR2000-31 PDF
      • @techreport{MERL_TR2000-31,
      • author = {Neal Lesh, Joe Marks, Maurizio Patrignani},
      • title = {Interactive Partitioning},
      • institution = {MERL - Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories},
      • address = {Cambridge, MA 02139},
      • number = {TR2000-31},
      • month = oct,
      • year = 2000,
      • url = {}
      • }

Partitioning is often used to support better graph drawing; in this paper, we describe an interactive system in which graph drawing is used to support better partitioning. In our system the user is presented with a drawing of a current network partitioning, and is responsible for choosing appropriate optimization procedures and for focusing their application on portions of the network. Our pilot experiments show that our network drawings succeed in conveying some of the information needed by the human operator to steer the computation effectively, and suggest that interactive, human-guided search may be a useful alternative to fully automatic methods for network and graph partitioning.