- Lee, J., Machiraju, R., Pfister, H., Moghaddam, B., "Estimation of 3D Faces and Illumination from Single Photographs Using a Bilinear Illumination Model", Eurographics Symposium on Rendering Techniques, June 2005, pp. 73-82.
BibTeX TR2005-045 PDF- @inproceedings{Lee2005jun,
- author = {Lee, J. and Machiraju, R. and Pfister, H. and Moghaddam, B.},
- title = {Estimation of 3D Faces and Illumination from Single Photographs Using a Bilinear Illumination Model},
- booktitle = {Eurographics Symposium on Rendering Techniques},
- year = 2005,
- pages = {73--82},
- month = jun,
- isbn = {3-905673-23-1},
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2005-045}
- }
- Weyrich, T., Pfister, H., Gross, M., "Rendering Deformable Surface Reflectance Fields", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 48-58, January 2005.
BibTeX TR2005-008 PDF- @article{Weyrich2005jan,
- author = {Weyrich, T. and Pfister, H. and Gross, M.},
- title = {Rendering Deformable Surface Reflectance Fields},
- journal = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
- year = 2005,
- volume = 11,
- number = 1,
- pages = {48--58},
- month = jan,
- issn = {1077-2626},
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2005-008}
- }
- Vetro, A., Matusik, W., Pfister, H., Xin, J., "Coding Approaches for End-to-End 3D TV Systems", Picture Coding Symposium (PCS), December 2004.
BibTeX TR2004-137 PDF- @inproceedings{Vetro2004dec,
- author = {Vetro, A. and Matusik, W. and Pfister, H. and Xin, J.},
- title = {Coding Approaches for End-to-End 3D TV Systems},
- booktitle = {Picture Coding Symposium (PCS)},
- year = 2004,
- month = dec,
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2004-137}
- }
- Chen, W., Ren, L., Zwicker, M., Pfister, H., "Hardware-Accelerated Adaptive EWA Volume Splatting", IEEE Visualization, October 2004, pp. 67-74.
BibTeX TR2005-009 PDF- @inproceedings{Chen2004oct2,
- author = {Chen, W. and Ren, L. and Zwicker, M. and Pfister, H.},
- title = {Hardware-Accelerated Adaptive EWA Volume Splatting},
- booktitle = {IEEE Visualization},
- year = 2004,
- pages = {67--74},
- month = oct,
- isbn = {0-7803-8788-0},
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2005-009}
- }
- Matusik, W., Pfister, H., "3D TV: A Scalable System for Real-Time Acquisition, Transmission and Autostereoscopic Display of Dynamic Scenes", ACM SIGGRAPH, August 2004, vol. 23, pp. 814-824.
BibTeX TR2004-067 PDF- @inproceedings{Matusik2004aug,
- author = {Matusik, W. and Pfister, H.},
- title = {3D TV: A Scalable System for Real-Time Acquisition, Transmission and Autostereoscopic Display of Dynamic Scenes},
- booktitle = {ACM SIGGRAPH},
- year = 2004,
- volume = 23,
- number = 3,
- pages = {814--824},
- month = aug,
- issn = {0730-0301},
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2004-067}
- }
- Pfister, H., Gross, M., "Point-Based Computer Graphics", IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (CG&A), Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 22-23, July 2004.
BibTeX IEEE Xplore- @article{Pfister2004jul,
- author = {Pfister, H. and Gross, M.},
- title = {Point-Based Computer Graphics},
- journal = {IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (CG\&A)},
- year = 2004,
- volume = 24,
- number = 4,
- pages = {22--23},
- month = jul,
- issn = {0272-1716},
- url = {https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1310207}
- }
- Matusik, W., Loper, M., Pfister, H., "Progressively-Refined Reflectance Functions from Natural Illumination", Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR), June 2004.
BibTeX TR2004-065 PDF- @inproceedings{Matusik2004jun,
- author = {Matusik, W. and Loper, M. and Pfister, H.},
- title = {Progressively-Refined Reflectance Functions from Natural Illumination},
- booktitle = {Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR)},
- year = 2004,
- month = jun,
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2004-065}
- }
- Lee, J., Moghaddam, B., Pfister, H., Machiraju, R., "Finding Optimal Views for 3D Face Shape Modeling", IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), May 2004, pp. 31-36.
BibTeX TR2004-024 PDF- @inproceedings{Lee2004may,
- author = {Lee, J. and Moghaddam, B. and Pfister, H. and Machiraju, R.},
- title = {Finding Optimal Views for 3D Face Shape Modeling},
- booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG)},
- year = 2004,
- pages = {31--36},
- month = may,
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2004-024}
- }
- Ren, L., Hodgins, J., Pfister, H., Shakhnarovich, G., Viola, P., "Learning Silhouette Features for Control of Human Motion", Tech. Rep. TR2004-068, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Cambridge, MA, February 2004.
BibTeX TR2004-068 PDF- @techreport{MERL_TR2004-068,
- author = {Ren, L.; Hodgins, J.; Pfister, H.; Shakhnarovich, G.; Viola, P.},
- title = {Learning Silhouette Features for Control of Human Motion},
- institution = {MERL - Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories},
- address = {Cambridge, MA 02139},
- number = {TR2004-068},
- month = feb,
- year = 2004,
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2004-068/}
- }
- Hanspeter Pfister, "Moderne Volumenvisualisierung", Tech. Rep. TR2004-066, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Cambridge, MA, January 2004.
BibTeX TR2004-066 PDF- @techreport{MERL_TR2004-066,
- author = {Hanspeter Pfister},
- title = {Moderne Volumenvisualisierung},
- institution = {MERL - Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories},
- address = {Cambridge, MA 02139},
- number = {TR2004-066},
- month = jan,
- year = 2004,
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2004-066/}
- }
- Edouard Lamboray, Michael Waschbusch, Stephan Wurmlin, Hanspeter Pfister, Markus Gross, "Dynamic Point Cloud Compression for Free Viewpoint Video", Tech. Rep. TR2003-137, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Cambridge, MA, December 2003.
BibTeX TR2003-137 PDF- @techreport{MERL_TR2003-137,
- author = {Edouard Lamboray, Michael Waschbusch, Stephan Wurmlin, Hanspeter Pfister, Markus Gross},
- title = {Dynamic Point Cloud Compression for Free Viewpoint Video},
- institution = {MERL - Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories},
- address = {Cambridge, MA 02139},
- number = {TR2003-137},
- month = dec,
- year = 2003,
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2003-137/}
- }
- Moghaddam, B., Lee, J.H., Pfister, H., Machiraju, R., "Model-Based 3D Face Capture with Shape-from-Silhouettes", IEEE International Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures (AMFG), October 2003, pp. 20-27.
BibTeX TR2003-84 PDF- @inproceedings{Moghaddam2003oct,
- author = {Moghaddam, B. and Lee, J.H. and Pfister, H. and Machiraju, R.},
- title = {Model-Based 3D Face Capture with Shape-from-Silhouettes},
- booktitle = {IEEE International Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures (AMFG)},
- year = 2003,
- pages = {20--27},
- month = oct,
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2003-84}
- }
- Pfister, H., "Data-Driven Computer Graphics", Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (PG), October 2003, pp. 38.
BibTeX IEEE Xplore- @inproceedings{Pfister2003oct,
- author = {Pfister, H.},
- title = {Data-Driven Computer Graphics},
- booktitle = {Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (PG)},
- year = 2003,
- pages = 38,
- month = oct,
- url = {https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1238244}
- }
- Matusik, W., Pfister, H., Brand, M., McMillan, L., "A Data-Driven Reflectance Model", ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), DOI: 10.1145/882262.882343, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 759-769, July 2003.
BibTeX TR2003-83 PDF Data- @article{Matusik2003jul,
- author = {Matusik, W. and Pfister, H. and Brand, M. and McMillan, L.},
- title = {A Data-Driven Reflectance Model},
- journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)},
- year = 2003,
- volume = 22,
- number = 3,
- pages = {759--769},
- month = jul,
- doi = {10.1145/882262.882343},
- issn = {0730-0301},
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2003-83}
- }
- Matusik, W., Pfister, H., Brand, M., McMillan, L., "Efficient Isotropic BRDF Measurement", Eurographics Workshop on Rendering (EGRW), June 2003, pp. 241-247.
BibTeX TR2003-80 PDF- @inproceedings{Matusik2003jun,
- author = {Matusik, W. and Pfister, H. and Brand, M. and McMillan, L.},
- title = {Efficient Isotropic BRDF Measurement},
- booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Rendering (EGRW)},
- year = 2003,
- pages = {241--247},
- month = jun,
- issn = {1727-3463},
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2003-80}
- }
- Ziegler, R., Matusik, W., Pfister, H., McMillan, L., "3D Reconstruction Using Labeled Image Regions", Eurographics/ACM SiGGRAPH Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP), June 2003, pp. 248-259.
BibTeX TR2003-82 PDF- @inproceedings{Ziegler2003jun,
- author = {Ziegler, R. and Matusik, W. and Pfister, H. and McMillan, L.},
- title = {3D Reconstruction Using Labeled Image Regions},
- booktitle = {Eurographics/ACM SiGGRAPH Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP)},
- year = 2003,
- pages = {248--259},
- month = jun,
- issn = {1727-8384},
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2003-82}
- }
- Lee, J., Moghaddam, B., Pfister, H., Machiraju, R., "Silhouette-Based 3D Face Shape Recovery", Graphics Interface, June 2003.
BibTeX TR2003-81 PDF- @inproceedings{Lee2003jul,
- author = {Lee, J. and Moghaddam, B. and Pfister, H. and Machiraju, R.},
- title = {Silhouette-Based 3D Face Shape Recovery},
- booktitle = {Graphics Interface},
- year = 2003,
- month = jun,
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2003-81}
- }
- Vlasic, D., Pfister, H., Molinov, S., Grzeszczuk, R., Matusik, W., "Opacity Light Fields: Interactive Rendering of Surface Light Fields with View-Dependent Opacity", ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics (I3D), April 2003, pp. 65-74.
BibTeX TR2003-112 PDF- @inproceedings{Vlasic2003apr,
- author = {Vlasic, D. and Pfister, H. and Molinov, S. and Grzeszczuk, R. and Matusik, W.},
- title = {Opacity Light Fields: Interactive Rendering of Surface Light Fields with View-Dependent Opacity},
- booktitle = {ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics (I3D)},
- year = 2003,
- pages = {65--74},
- month = apr,
- isbn = {1-58113-645-5},
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2003-112}
- }
- Ren, L., Pfister, H., Zwicker, M., "Object Space EWA Surface Splatting: A Hardware Accelerated Approach to High Quality Point Rendering", Eurographics, September 2002.
BibTeX TR2002-31 PDF- @inproceedings{Ren2002sep,
- author = {Ren, L. and Pfister, H. and Zwicker, M.},
- title = {Object Space EWA Surface Splatting: A Hardware Accelerated Approach to High Quality Point Rendering},
- booktitle = {Eurographics},
- year = 2002,
- month = sep,
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2002-31}
- }
- Matusik, W., Pfister, H., Beardsley, P.A., Ngan, A., Ziegler, R., McMillan, L., "Image-Based 3D Photography Using Opacity Hulls", ACM SIGGRAPH, July 2002, pp. 427-437.
BibTeX TR2002-29 PDF- @inproceedings{Matusik2002jul,
- author = {Matusik, W. and Pfister, H. and Beardsley, P.A. and Ngan, A. and Ziegler, R. and McMillan, L.},
- title = {Image-Based 3D Photography Using Opacity Hulls},
- booktitle = {ACM SIGGRAPH},
- year = 2002,
- pages = {427--437},
- month = jul,
- issn = {0730-0301},
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2002-29}
- }
- Zwicker, M., Pfister, H., van Baar, J., Gross, M., "EWA Splatting", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 223-238, July/September 2002.
BibTeX TR2002-49 PDF- @article{Zwicker2002sep,
- author = {Zwicker, M. and Pfister, H. and {van Baar}, J. and Gross, M.},
- title = {EWA Splatting},
- journal = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
- year = 2002,
- volume = 8,
- number = 3,
- pages = {223--238},
- month = jul,
- issn = {1077-2626},
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2002-49}
- }
- Matusik, W., Pfister, H., Ngan, A., Ziegler, R., McMillan, L., "Acquisition and Rendering of Transparent and Refractive Objects", Eurographics Workshop on Rendering (EGRW), June 2002, pp. 267-278.
BibTeX TR2002-30 PDF- @inproceedings{Matusik2002jun,
- author = {Matusik, W. and Pfister, H. and Ngan, A. and Ziegler, R. and McMillan, L.},
- title = {Acquisition and Rendering of Transparent and Refractive Objects},
- booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Rendering (EGRW)},
- year = 2002,
- pages = {267--278},
- month = jun,
- isbn = {1-58113-434-3},
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2002-30}
- }
- Zwicker, M., Pfister, H., van Baar, J., Gross, M., "EWA Volume Splatting", IEEE Visualization, October 2001, pp. 29-36.
BibTeX TR2001-27 PDF- @inproceedings{Zwicker2001oct,
- author = {Zwicker, M. and Pfister, H. and {van Baar}, J. and Gross, M.},
- title = {EWA Volume Splatting},
- booktitle = {IEEE Visualization},
- year = 2001,
- pages = {29--36},
- month = oct,
- issn = {1070-2385},
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2001-27}
- }
- Zwicker, M., Pfister, H., van Baar, J., Gross, M., "Surface Splatting", ACM SIGGRAPH, August 2001, pp. 371-378.
BibTeX TR2001-20 PDF- @inproceedings{Zwicker2001aug,
- author = {Zwicker, M. and Pfister, H. and {van Baar}, J. and Gross, M.},
- title = {Surface Splatting},
- booktitle = {ACM SIGGRAPH},
- year = 2001,
- pages = {371--378},
- month = aug,
- isbn = {1-58113-374-X},
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2001-20}
- }
- Ogata, M., Pfister, H., Lauer, H.C., Dohi, Y., "A Parallel Pipeline Convolution for Perspective Projection in Real-Time Volume Rendering", The Journal of the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, Vol. 54, No. 9, November 2000.
BibTeX Harvard SEAS- @article{Ogata2000nov,
- author = {Ogata, M. and Pfister, H. and Lauer, H.C. and Dohi, Y.},
- title = {A Parallel Pipeline Convolution for Perspective Projection in Real-Time Volume Rendering},
- journal = {The Journal of the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers},
- year = 2000,
- volume = 54,
- number = 9,
- month = nov,
- url = {https://vcg.seas.harvard.edu/publications/a-parallel-pipeline-convolution-for-perspective-projection-in-real-time-volume-rendering}
- }