- Raj, B., Migdal, J., Singh, R., "Distributed Speech Recognition with Codec Parameters", IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding (ASRU), December 2001, pp. 127-130.
BibTeX TR2001-45 PDF- @inproceedings{Raj2001dec,
- author = {Raj, B. and Migdal, J. and Singh, R.},
- title = {Distributed Speech Recognition with Codec Parameters},
- booktitle = {IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding (ASRU)},
- year = 2001,
- pages = {127--130},
- month = dec,
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2001-45}
- }
- Raj, B., Seltzer, M., Stern, R., "Robust Speech Recognition: The Case for Restoring Missing Features", Workshop for Consistent and Reliable Acoustic Cues (CRAC), September 2001.
BibTeX TR2001-40 PDF- @inproceedings{Raj2001sep,
- author = {Raj, B. and Seltzer, M. and Stern, R.},
- title = {Robust Speech Recognition: The Case for Restoring Missing Features},
- booktitle = {Workshop for Consistent and Reliable Acoustic Cues (CRAC)},
- year = 2001,
- month = sep,
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2001-40}
- }
- Michael A. Casey and Alex Westner, "Separation of Mixed Audio Sources by Independent Subspace Analysis", Tech. Rep. TR2001-31, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Cambridge, MA, September 2001.
BibTeX TR2001-31 PDF- @techreport{MERL_TR2001-31,
- author = {Michael A. Casey and Alex Westner},
- title = {Separation of Mixed Audio Sources by Independent Subspace Analysis},
- institution = {MERL - Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories},
- address = {Cambridge, MA 02139},
- number = {TR2001-31},
- month = sep,
- year = 2001,
- url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2001-31/}
- }